Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wats the best weapon to take boar hunting??

gun or bow, and brand name and etc. thanks. also if your not planning n answering the question then dont write anything.Wats the best weapon to take boar hunting??
There is no one best answer for this. Everyone has good answers but jordan k, and montec man have a good point. I have owned 9 different bows and have killed hogs with all of them. I've also killed hogs with every gun that I have ever owned, including the 22 while squirrel hunting.The 22 will kill a hog graveyard dead when shot behind the ear.Just ask any old country boy that lives in hog country if a 22 wont kill a hog! Most hogs in my area are killed by 22's while someone was squirrel hunting- but a lot have upgraded to the 22 magnum just for the hogs. I'm not reccomending the 22 as a primary hog gun, just making a point that almost any weapon will kill a hog with good shot placement.Wats the best weapon to take boar hunting??
First and foremost is what size hog and what is the typical range?

If within 100 yards in light brush on less than a 300 pounder you could use a 243 or 270 ( I use a m1 carbine )

If your outside 100 yards or over 300 pounds I would go with a 308, 30-30, or 30-06.

I do enjoy hunting them with a 30 carbine single action revolver within 75 foot.

I use a Remington 788 rifle chambered in 243 for hog hunting. As long as you are under 200 yards which shouldn't be a problem where most hogs live. Then a 243 will work fine my Brother shoots a Remington 700 chambered in 7 mag for his hogs so really anything more than a 243.

P.S. The best way to bring down a boar is a shot right behind the ear. This shot will bring down any sized pig and drop it in its tracks no matter what kind of gun your shooting.
Since they are generally in wooded areas I think a large caliber single action revolver, no smaller than 44 mag (I prefer 476 Linebaugh), or a short barreled rifle. Shorter rifles are quicker on target in the brush. I agree with the other post, take enough gun with you.
I agree with the posters saying take enough gun. I have never hunted hogs myself but would like to. Also if you want to use a bow I dont see any reason why a good 60-70lb wouldnt do a good job provided you used heavier arrows and at least 125 gr fixed broadheads.
An old buddy has the best hog gun I've seen: a little double (side-by-side) in 8mm JRS. We generally shoot sows, though, for better eating. I might go with 9.3x74 R instead if I were going purely for the big boars.
Gun. Rifle to be exact. A Remington 673 Guide Rifle in .350 Remington Magnum topped with a Burris 1-n-3/4'; to 5x scope.


Another question with an obvious cut-n-dry answer. Again I've droped'em with everything from a knife or arrow to .22mag through 12 guage slugs. Its all about shot placement.
30-30 Winchester, 32 Winchester Special, 303 British, 30-40 Krag, 30-06.* Any and all of these will harvest them.*
Rifle: 30-30 Lever, or a semi auto 7.62 x 39 SKS any of those because you might need a speedy relode incase you miss or the boar decides to charge.
A rifle. The larger the caliber, the better.
Mosin Nagant 7.62X65R knocks em dead everytime.
I dont know much about diffrent kind of guns...but I would use a gun.

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