Would it be a bad idea to go job hunting this Monday, which is Presidents Day?
Considering that this is a holiday.Job hunting on the holiday, President's Day (this Monday):?
It is not a recognized holiday with a lot of Companies.
Friday, May 14, 2010
What should be an animal right for hunting animals?
No hunting out of season or on land that is not supposed to be hunted on. No hunting in unfair situations such as game that is fenced in for hunters to shoot at or hunters using firepower far beyond what is needed to hunt. There is an ancient bond between hunter and hunted and human hunters really need to get back to respecting that. JMHO.What should be an animal right for hunting animals?
I agree with one shot kill. It won't always happen like that, but a person should be a good marksman before going hunting. An oldtimers saying. ';One shot, one deer. Two shots, maybe one deer. Three shots, no deer.'; I'm all for hunting, but I don't want the animal to suffer. So if you need an automatic rifle (which is illegal anyway) in order to get enough shots off to make one count, you should stay out of the woods. (And technically fields as well.)
If one doesn't agree with hunting, here are some good reasons that it should happen. If we don't trim the population there would eventually be too many, and nature would have it's way of thinning the population, by starvation and disease, then you are left with a remnant. It's more humane to do the thinning of the population by hunting than to let nature take it's course. Then, specifically thinking about deer, if you don't hunt them, before the time they are mostly wiped out thanks to starvation and disease, we will be killing them in greater numbers (than the current rate), at the expense of our vehicles. ......It is also using our resorces wisely to hunt, and use the meat, rather than let it all go to waste when the deer die thanks to the ';natural'; reasons mentioned above.What should be an animal right for hunting animals?
first shot needs to be to the heart or the head to minimize pain and suffering.
I agree with one shot kill. It won't always happen like that, but a person should be a good marksman before going hunting. An oldtimers saying. ';One shot, one deer. Two shots, maybe one deer. Three shots, no deer.'; I'm all for hunting, but I don't want the animal to suffer. So if you need an automatic rifle (which is illegal anyway) in order to get enough shots off to make one count, you should stay out of the woods. (And technically fields as well.)
If one doesn't agree with hunting, here are some good reasons that it should happen. If we don't trim the population there would eventually be too many, and nature would have it's way of thinning the population, by starvation and disease, then you are left with a remnant. It's more humane to do the thinning of the population by hunting than to let nature take it's course. Then, specifically thinking about deer, if you don't hunt them, before the time they are mostly wiped out thanks to starvation and disease, we will be killing them in greater numbers (than the current rate), at the expense of our vehicles. ......It is also using our resorces wisely to hunt, and use the meat, rather than let it all go to waste when the deer die thanks to the ';natural'; reasons mentioned above.What should be an animal right for hunting animals?
first shot needs to be to the heart or the head to minimize pain and suffering.
Where are good places to go bargain hunting?
In OntarioWhere are good places to go bargain hunting?
Ebay.*Where are good places to go bargain hunting?
Cabelas Bargain Cave
I don't know because Canada's gun laws are overly restrictive and would violate the US Constitution's 2nd Amendment.
But in the states, I would recommend pawn shops, internet gun auction sites such as Gunbroker.com and shops such as Dick's Sporting Goods and Cabala's bargain section.
this is the hunting section not the shopping sction if you wanna shop for hunting stuff that it different but you said shopping not shopping for hunting things. If it's just shopping go to the ladies and losers section they should be able to help you
After hunting season is over go to Wal-Mart. They always discount hunting gear then.
Do you have gun shows up there?
Ebay.*Where are good places to go bargain hunting?
Cabelas Bargain Cave
I don't know because Canada's gun laws are overly restrictive and would violate the US Constitution's 2nd Amendment.
But in the states, I would recommend pawn shops, internet gun auction sites such as Gunbroker.com and shops such as Dick's Sporting Goods and Cabala's bargain section.
this is the hunting section not the shopping sction if you wanna shop for hunting stuff that it different but you said shopping not shopping for hunting things. If it's just shopping go to the ladies and losers section they should be able to help you
After hunting season is over go to Wal-Mart. They always discount hunting gear then.
Do you have gun shows up there?
So how do you guys feel about hunting?
i'm serious. do you people just not eat meat that are raised on farms and feedlots?
think about it, if people didn't hunt, in a few years, over population would become a huge problem. starvation and disease would cause so many problems. what do you guys think?So how do you guys feel about hunting?
I hunt so obviously, I approve of it.
One thing though that many people realize is that only a small portion of hunters actually kill an animal. Majority of them cme up empty handed (about 2/3).
Another thing is that there is some truth to the notion that without managed hunting, wild life population will deteriorate. The rationale behind this (whether you agree with it or not) is that a certain area can only sustain a limited number of animals. any more and starvation will likely occur. So wildlife and forest management authorities allow a certain number of animals to be ';culled'; from the population in order to maintain a healthy and sustainable number. They do this in several ways one of which is by allowing hunting which in turn generates revenue which they use to better manage the area. That is why the ';quota'; changes every year. And even then, the number one killer of wild animals is still starvation followed by predation of other animals then disease. Hunting is far down the list. In fact in the case of wild pigs in California, fish and game authorities had to neuter boars and spay sows because the population was getting out fo control and the pigs were starting to invade farms in their search for food,
One thing I don't approve of and don't partake in is ';trophy'; hunting. I have no desire to mount the heads of dead animals anywhere in my house.So how do you guys feel about hunting?
I oppose hunting for sport or trophy hunting in all cases.
I oppose hunting for food in all cases except those in which people must do so for survival. Hunting done by humans does not control the population. It creates imbalances in the ecosystem. The reason animals like deer and geese are overpopulated in some areas is because of humans hunting their natural predators and urbanizing into their habitats. Hunters then hunt those animals claiming they are helping the ecosystem.
The truth is though that hunters create a vacuum by wiping out species in bunches. Nonhuman predators and their prey are natural parts of a balanced faunal and floral population. Humans hunting and destroying animal habitats disrupts this delicate balance. Nature abhors a vacuum. When hunters hunt a group of animals, that species will either increase it's reproduction rates to fill in the gap and survive or another species will fill in the gap.
If you want to revert back to caveman status, then yes, hunting would make perfect sense. But, that's obviously not the case as we type here on our computers.
I am a vegetarian. This year my father has managed to kill a bobcat and a deer and a coyote. My little brother also shot a deer.
My dad shot the predators, that is the problem. If we did not shoot anything the predators would eat the herbivores where the herbivores would die down, then the carnivores would have less to eat so they would die off and allow the herbivore's population to climb back up.
This has happened before and it all worked out WITHOUT human intervention
You can survive, even be healthier without eating meat. I have been vegetarian since 5th grade, and I definitely do not support hunting. If done correctly, vegetarianism can actually be a healthier lifestyle, and if everyone were vegetarians, people would probably be a lot healthier in general.
I don't support hunting, especially modern-day methods of raising animals to be slaughtered. If anything, all hunting should be free-range on less cruel farms. That would be a start. But think about it. Animal life has survived for thousands of years before humans entered the scene, and with the food chain, they never really did
';overpopulate'; the earth. So why would they start now? If humans stopped force breeding the animals, their lives would hopefully go back to normal, and they would be able to reproduce as they naturally would.
I approve of hunting. It's much more humane than what cows constantly go through. I'd much rather eat meat from an animal that lived a lot of its life, over a cow that was brutally slaughtered at a factory farm. Plus, most wild animal meat tastes good, like venison burgers.
Though, I don't agree with hunting predators. Since we're only going to probably end up using the fur most of the time, I don't think it's necessary. Most predators take care of their own numbers after a while through starvation and killing each other over food. Though I think that if a predators population was that extreme that it happened constantly, I'd be okay to kill a few sick or weak animals to balance things back out.
I'm totally and completely against hunting. Humans are overpopulating the Earth,and you don't seem to be complaining too much about that. I hate especially when people hunt for sport. It isn't right. People eat domesticated animals which are raised for the sole purpose of killing them for food. So if we stopped raising them, they wouldn't overpopulate. No meat,period. Educate yourself
i have no problem with hunting in civilizations where it is the only source of food. in more aboriginal cultures people are/were hunter gatherers and they only ate what they found or killed. in these situations humans were a part of nature and a natural part of the food chain. if people do this now, then i don't see the problem.
raising animals for food to kill them is a problem. hunting is even worse. you're killing the animals for fun and sport. what if someone did the same thing to humans? we wouldn't think it was okay. what about something a bit less than humans (to most people) like the mentally handicapped, or apes?
the only reason animals would ever have population problems is because of human interference. people force their way into the forest and **** things up. the animals were fine before that.
besides, people don't hunt to regulate animal population. they hunt for sport. they kill defenseless animals for sport. why don't they go hunt something that will put up a fight in a way that requires some real skill. like hand to hand combat with a lion. i think that's what hunters are doing to other animals.
I'm vegan, but I am definitely for hunting -- and I don't have problems with cage-free and free-range meat and dairy. I'm not anti-meat as much as I am anti-factory farming.
Add: Not only should blueeyes reread the question, which is about HUNTING and about ANIMALS starving and dying from disease, but she should also take a little trip to New England and witness our overpopulation of wild turkeys.
do some research please.
the cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, ect that you know of were domesticated by humans. they wouldnt exist without us, and they cant survive without us. so if we stopped breeding these animals (artificially) then they wouldnt over populate the world. they would die.
oh.. and starvation?.. from not eating animals?
well i havent eaten an animal or animal by product in a very long time and im pretty sure i havent died from starvation.
so, i think that hunting is unnecessary.
and im vegan, i dont eat animals or animal by products like milk and eggs, and i also dont wear any animal products. (it doesnt matter to me if the animal was raised on a farm, the animals life is still being interrupted for an unnecessary cause)
i think that if we didn't have hunters it would be a lot more people hitting cars on the roads and i call hunting ';wildlife population control'; lol, i love nature and you'd think if someone loves nature that they wouldn't want to kill an animal but like you said it would just be over populated and i like that people have a limit even though nobody i know actually tags anything they kill, i laugh when tree huggers say not to kill animals when i bet they eat meat and own cloths, shoes and other things made with animal skin like leather, too many hypocrites i guess, one more thing i only like hunting where you eat the meat, i don't like people that trophy hunt, i didn't think of that until reading one of the post but i don't think people should trophy hunt
oh and blueeyes, most any animal can learn how to survive on their own, maybe not right away but if people stopped taking care of any animal that animal will learn how to live on its own, just like us people when we're kids our parents take care of us and then we have to learn to live life on our own, same kinda thing
';yes the human population is growing and we have our own measure to contol that..it's called birth control including abortion which arguably is killing a human being before it is even born.. ever seen an aborted fetus? It is a bloddy mess and you should to see how it tries to fight the tube that will suck out it's brains and kill it... China has an official state sponsored a one child policy where ';extra'; infants are killed by injecting potassium cyanide or iodine into the newborn's brain';
How is this relevant? Non-human animals don't need humans to keep their population in check. As someone who has supposedly graduated college, you should know that humans have not been on Earth very long, and non-human animals did just fine without us.
Read the section ';Shooting the mythes'; in the vegan source book.
Scroll down to page 72 and you can read the whole chapter. That pretty much explains it.
The only time i am ok with hunting is if you can not afford to buy your own food(Preferably vegan. ;))d, or do not want to support factory farms and choose to hunt instead.
Sport hunting is a bloody horrible game. Its not even a game.
In a game, both sides know they're playing.
Btw, I am not a city girl. Three is a wildlife preserve behind my house and i love to sit and watch the deer. Thank god it is protected or I would go ninja on them hunters, lol!
No, but I mean i can't see why anybody would want to kill a creature like that or say it is necessary! The area behind my house(A few square miles) does fine without hunting! There are coyotes to balance the population, no need for hunting! =)
Edit:Ashley, you are the hypocrite of all hypocrites.
So your a vegan who thinks veganism is hypocritical. It is against a vegans belief to hunt you know, or to support hunting.
you are so obviously not a vegan, lol
Edit:exsft, I am against abortion also.
And to the england overpopulation of turkeys. If humans never would have killed the natural predators we would not be in this situation.
I don't hunt, but support it. My grandparents and most of my family hunts deer and turkey. Last season, my granny only killed one deer. They eat the meat, too- so it's not like it goes to waste. They do have a few deer skins in their home. What else r u supposed to do w/the skin? Throw it away?! Population control at it's best. Trophy hunters want the large, older males. In my state, there is actually a law that says u have to kill a female for every male u kill.
while on farms the way thy 'rasie'(if u can even call it tht) on farms is SO UNNATURAL nd just plain wrong but i also do believe if we can live with out something (ussaly more healthy livin with out it) thn we shouldnt eat it nd make an animal lose it's life. plain nd simple
nd if anybody puts something sayin tht well ur takin a plants life away... this is what i got 2 say 2 u ';o...k crazy';
btw vegetation becoming a vegan (almost a full day!)
The human race is becoming overpopulated; should we start killing people? The earth belongs to all creatures, and it's not up to us to decide who's overpopulating it. Hunting is absolutely disgusting.
3 of my daughters are vegetarian and its because they adore animals and don't find it right to eat something that has been suffered.
if you all werent taking over the animals environment and went back to europe..we wouldnt need to fret over over population ..Where are the buffalo ..where are the elk? I see malls and rednecks.
whether people want them to or not, humans eat meat, as do many animals. its ok for animals to hunt, so why cant we?
I think you are in the wrong forum.
i think you should do more research
Are you talking about hunting in countries like the US or hunting in general? while hunting in the US may not be necessary for survival for most people, it is in many other countries. and even in the Us, there are groups or individuals who rely on hunting for food and /or income. Ask them how they feel about it not vegetarians or vegans who oppose any animal contact or consumption to begin with.
Monkey - if you ever learn how to answer a question or post something related to the topic at hand, I might listen to you. Until then,you are what I would refer to as this forum's ';ambient noise';: something unpleasant and irritating but part of the atmosphere.
Wasn't your old account deleted by Yahoo because they consider you a troll and had most of your previous questions and answers deleted too? How sad is that really? To be considered a troll in a forum whose subject matter is what you practice in real life.
I whole heartily support hunting.
no hunting.
think about it, if people didn't hunt, in a few years, over population would become a huge problem. starvation and disease would cause so many problems. what do you guys think?So how do you guys feel about hunting?
I hunt so obviously, I approve of it.
One thing though that many people realize is that only a small portion of hunters actually kill an animal. Majority of them cme up empty handed (about 2/3).
Another thing is that there is some truth to the notion that without managed hunting, wild life population will deteriorate. The rationale behind this (whether you agree with it or not) is that a certain area can only sustain a limited number of animals. any more and starvation will likely occur. So wildlife and forest management authorities allow a certain number of animals to be ';culled'; from the population in order to maintain a healthy and sustainable number. They do this in several ways one of which is by allowing hunting which in turn generates revenue which they use to better manage the area. That is why the ';quota'; changes every year. And even then, the number one killer of wild animals is still starvation followed by predation of other animals then disease. Hunting is far down the list. In fact in the case of wild pigs in California, fish and game authorities had to neuter boars and spay sows because the population was getting out fo control and the pigs were starting to invade farms in their search for food,
One thing I don't approve of and don't partake in is ';trophy'; hunting. I have no desire to mount the heads of dead animals anywhere in my house.So how do you guys feel about hunting?
I oppose hunting for sport or trophy hunting in all cases.
I oppose hunting for food in all cases except those in which people must do so for survival. Hunting done by humans does not control the population. It creates imbalances in the ecosystem. The reason animals like deer and geese are overpopulated in some areas is because of humans hunting their natural predators and urbanizing into their habitats. Hunters then hunt those animals claiming they are helping the ecosystem.
The truth is though that hunters create a vacuum by wiping out species in bunches. Nonhuman predators and their prey are natural parts of a balanced faunal and floral population. Humans hunting and destroying animal habitats disrupts this delicate balance. Nature abhors a vacuum. When hunters hunt a group of animals, that species will either increase it's reproduction rates to fill in the gap and survive or another species will fill in the gap.
If you want to revert back to caveman status, then yes, hunting would make perfect sense. But, that's obviously not the case as we type here on our computers.
I am a vegetarian. This year my father has managed to kill a bobcat and a deer and a coyote. My little brother also shot a deer.
My dad shot the predators, that is the problem. If we did not shoot anything the predators would eat the herbivores where the herbivores would die down, then the carnivores would have less to eat so they would die off and allow the herbivore's population to climb back up.
This has happened before and it all worked out WITHOUT human intervention
You can survive, even be healthier without eating meat. I have been vegetarian since 5th grade, and I definitely do not support hunting. If done correctly, vegetarianism can actually be a healthier lifestyle, and if everyone were vegetarians, people would probably be a lot healthier in general.
I don't support hunting, especially modern-day methods of raising animals to be slaughtered. If anything, all hunting should be free-range on less cruel farms. That would be a start. But think about it. Animal life has survived for thousands of years before humans entered the scene, and with the food chain, they never really did
';overpopulate'; the earth. So why would they start now? If humans stopped force breeding the animals, their lives would hopefully go back to normal, and they would be able to reproduce as they naturally would.
I approve of hunting. It's much more humane than what cows constantly go through. I'd much rather eat meat from an animal that lived a lot of its life, over a cow that was brutally slaughtered at a factory farm. Plus, most wild animal meat tastes good, like venison burgers.
Though, I don't agree with hunting predators. Since we're only going to probably end up using the fur most of the time, I don't think it's necessary. Most predators take care of their own numbers after a while through starvation and killing each other over food. Though I think that if a predators population was that extreme that it happened constantly, I'd be okay to kill a few sick or weak animals to balance things back out.
I'm totally and completely against hunting. Humans are overpopulating the Earth,and you don't seem to be complaining too much about that. I hate especially when people hunt for sport. It isn't right. People eat domesticated animals which are raised for the sole purpose of killing them for food. So if we stopped raising them, they wouldn't overpopulate. No meat,period. Educate yourself
i have no problem with hunting in civilizations where it is the only source of food. in more aboriginal cultures people are/were hunter gatherers and they only ate what they found or killed. in these situations humans were a part of nature and a natural part of the food chain. if people do this now, then i don't see the problem.
raising animals for food to kill them is a problem. hunting is even worse. you're killing the animals for fun and sport. what if someone did the same thing to humans? we wouldn't think it was okay. what about something a bit less than humans (to most people) like the mentally handicapped, or apes?
the only reason animals would ever have population problems is because of human interference. people force their way into the forest and **** things up. the animals were fine before that.
besides, people don't hunt to regulate animal population. they hunt for sport. they kill defenseless animals for sport. why don't they go hunt something that will put up a fight in a way that requires some real skill. like hand to hand combat with a lion. i think that's what hunters are doing to other animals.
I'm vegan, but I am definitely for hunting -- and I don't have problems with cage-free and free-range meat and dairy. I'm not anti-meat as much as I am anti-factory farming.
Add: Not only should blueeyes reread the question, which is about HUNTING and about ANIMALS starving and dying from disease, but she should also take a little trip to New England and witness our overpopulation of wild turkeys.
do some research please.
the cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, ect that you know of were domesticated by humans. they wouldnt exist without us, and they cant survive without us. so if we stopped breeding these animals (artificially) then they wouldnt over populate the world. they would die.
oh.. and starvation?.. from not eating animals?
well i havent eaten an animal or animal by product in a very long time and im pretty sure i havent died from starvation.
so, i think that hunting is unnecessary.
and im vegan, i dont eat animals or animal by products like milk and eggs, and i also dont wear any animal products. (it doesnt matter to me if the animal was raised on a farm, the animals life is still being interrupted for an unnecessary cause)
i think that if we didn't have hunters it would be a lot more people hitting cars on the roads and i call hunting ';wildlife population control'; lol, i love nature and you'd think if someone loves nature that they wouldn't want to kill an animal but like you said it would just be over populated and i like that people have a limit even though nobody i know actually tags anything they kill, i laugh when tree huggers say not to kill animals when i bet they eat meat and own cloths, shoes and other things made with animal skin like leather, too many hypocrites i guess, one more thing i only like hunting where you eat the meat, i don't like people that trophy hunt, i didn't think of that until reading one of the post but i don't think people should trophy hunt
oh and blueeyes, most any animal can learn how to survive on their own, maybe not right away but if people stopped taking care of any animal that animal will learn how to live on its own, just like us people when we're kids our parents take care of us and then we have to learn to live life on our own, same kinda thing
';yes the human population is growing and we have our own measure to contol that..it's called birth control including abortion which arguably is killing a human being before it is even born.. ever seen an aborted fetus? It is a bloddy mess and you should to see how it tries to fight the tube that will suck out it's brains and kill it... China has an official state sponsored a one child policy where ';extra'; infants are killed by injecting potassium cyanide or iodine into the newborn's brain';
How is this relevant? Non-human animals don't need humans to keep their population in check. As someone who has supposedly graduated college, you should know that humans have not been on Earth very long, and non-human animals did just fine without us.
Read the section ';Shooting the mythes'; in the vegan source book.
Scroll down to page 72 and you can read the whole chapter. That pretty much explains it.
The only time i am ok with hunting is if you can not afford to buy your own food(Preferably vegan. ;))d, or do not want to support factory farms and choose to hunt instead.
Sport hunting is a bloody horrible game. Its not even a game.
In a game, both sides know they're playing.
Btw, I am not a city girl. Three is a wildlife preserve behind my house and i love to sit and watch the deer. Thank god it is protected or I would go ninja on them hunters, lol!
No, but I mean i can't see why anybody would want to kill a creature like that or say it is necessary! The area behind my house(A few square miles) does fine without hunting! There are coyotes to balance the population, no need for hunting! =)
Edit:Ashley, you are the hypocrite of all hypocrites.
So your a vegan who thinks veganism is hypocritical. It is against a vegans belief to hunt you know, or to support hunting.
you are so obviously not a vegan, lol
Edit:exsft, I am against abortion also.
And to the england overpopulation of turkeys. If humans never would have killed the natural predators we would not be in this situation.
I don't hunt, but support it. My grandparents and most of my family hunts deer and turkey. Last season, my granny only killed one deer. They eat the meat, too- so it's not like it goes to waste. They do have a few deer skins in their home. What else r u supposed to do w/the skin? Throw it away?! Population control at it's best. Trophy hunters want the large, older males. In my state, there is actually a law that says u have to kill a female for every male u kill.
while on farms the way thy 'rasie'(if u can even call it tht) on farms is SO UNNATURAL nd just plain wrong but i also do believe if we can live with out something (ussaly more healthy livin with out it) thn we shouldnt eat it nd make an animal lose it's life. plain nd simple
nd if anybody puts something sayin tht well ur takin a plants life away... this is what i got 2 say 2 u ';o...k crazy';
btw vegetation becoming a vegan (almost a full day!)
The human race is becoming overpopulated; should we start killing people? The earth belongs to all creatures, and it's not up to us to decide who's overpopulating it. Hunting is absolutely disgusting.
3 of my daughters are vegetarian and its because they adore animals and don't find it right to eat something that has been suffered.
if you all werent taking over the animals environment and went back to europe..we wouldnt need to fret over over population ..Where are the buffalo ..where are the elk? I see malls and rednecks.
whether people want them to or not, humans eat meat, as do many animals. its ok for animals to hunt, so why cant we?
I think you are in the wrong forum.
i think you should do more research
Are you talking about hunting in countries like the US or hunting in general? while hunting in the US may not be necessary for survival for most people, it is in many other countries. and even in the Us, there are groups or individuals who rely on hunting for food and /or income. Ask them how they feel about it not vegetarians or vegans who oppose any animal contact or consumption to begin with.
Monkey - if you ever learn how to answer a question or post something related to the topic at hand, I might listen to you. Until then,you are what I would refer to as this forum's ';ambient noise';: something unpleasant and irritating but part of the atmosphere.
Wasn't your old account deleted by Yahoo because they consider you a troll and had most of your previous questions and answers deleted too? How sad is that really? To be considered a troll in a forum whose subject matter is what you practice in real life.
I whole heartily support hunting.
no hunting.
How do you get a permit for hunting and for a gun?
In most U.S. states you need a Hunter Education class recognized by the state you are hunting in to get a hunting license,and most states have no rifle registration.http://www.nraila.org/GunLaws/
The NRA link will help you identify which rules would apply per state,since Illinois,Hawaii,California and New Jersey,maybe couple others can have certain restrictions. For a Hunter Ed course most states have a web site through their Fish and Game or Natural Resource Dept.
In places like Canada,the U.K.,Australia and other places you need more localized information,but most do require a training course and/or permits to own and are completed before purchase. In most places in the US you can buy a rifle or shotgun after a quick background check done over the phone while you are doing the purchase paperwork and leave with it.How do you get a permit for hunting and for a gun?
Will depend on where you live. I'm not required to have a permit for any of the guns I own, I am required to have a hunting license however and I have had mine since the age of 12 (36 years ago now). Where are you located? I'm assuming you're not in the United States.How do you get a permit for hunting and for a gun?
First you need to attend an 8 hour hunter education class. But to buy a long gun (shotgun or rifle) there are no hoops to jump through. You must be at least 18 with no felonies, mental illness, etc.
Permit for what. Not many States require registration for hunting guns.
All 50 States have a State DNR web site. Goggle your State.make up lipstick
The NRA link will help you identify which rules would apply per state,since Illinois,Hawaii,California and New Jersey,maybe couple others can have certain restrictions. For a Hunter Ed course most states have a web site through their Fish and Game or Natural Resource Dept.
In places like Canada,the U.K.,Australia and other places you need more localized information,but most do require a training course and/or permits to own and are completed before purchase. In most places in the US you can buy a rifle or shotgun after a quick background check done over the phone while you are doing the purchase paperwork and leave with it.How do you get a permit for hunting and for a gun?
Will depend on where you live. I'm not required to have a permit for any of the guns I own, I am required to have a hunting license however and I have had mine since the age of 12 (36 years ago now). Where are you located? I'm assuming you're not in the United States.How do you get a permit for hunting and for a gun?
First you need to attend an 8 hour hunter education class. But to buy a long gun (shotgun or rifle) there are no hoops to jump through. You must be at least 18 with no felonies, mental illness, etc.
Permit for what. Not many States require registration for hunting guns.
All 50 States have a State DNR web site. Goggle your State.
Squirrel hunting had a quick question?
As you all know it's squirrel season and it's almost DEC, Well it's 7:45 AM I want to go squirrel hunt now but is it a good time to go?Squirrel hunting had a quick question?
Best time is before 10:30 AM, and after 2 PM in the Afternoon.*Squirrel hunting had a quick question?
When it is cold and sunny, little to no wind and at sun up or shortly after in the morning. When it is windy or cloudy squirrels will stir but stay close to their holes (dens). When it's very windy you're lucky to see one unless it's in a well sheltered draw or hollar. Another good time to go is right before sunset, about 30 minutes before or so. They will come out and forage around until in most cases after dark.
With a fox squirrel, they come out a bit later than the grey squirrels. With experience you will be able to tell with their barks if it's a grey or a fox (red) squirrel. You can usually find them about mid morning and throughout the day sunning themselves on branches, look in the pocket between the limb and trunk closely, you'll most often see them there sunning or eating.
This time of year, look around any oak trees for either kind of squirrel. A good sign is if you find acorn shell castings around the trees. Many times you'll see holes in the tree where they have dug out old woodpecker nests and made them into their own nests. You'll know you have found a well used one if you find all the bark scrapped off around the hole from their claws as they go in and out.
Stay well hidden around a large grove of tall oak trees and you're sure to see one. They like the taller trees for escape from preditors.
The favorite place I like to go is a large grove of oak tress with cedars around and by them for cover for the squirrels and me.
Hope you get your limit :o)
I find that I bag the most squirrels if I am in the woods just before daylight. They are starting to move about just as the sun comes up and will continue until about 10:00 AM. If it is overcast, they may move about later in the day. There will still be squirrels moving about after 10:00 but they are less active and you will likely get fewer shots. They are active again in the late afternoon but I have always found the morning to be more productive. And, no, they don't have little wristwatches, the times are just approximate.
You can squirrel hunt at pretty much any time. It really doesn't matter.
Yes because the squirrels are out and moving in the morning just like deer.
three hours after sunrise and three hours before sunset
anytime is a good time for squirrels
yes am is fine after a rain they come out and feed ok thanks eddie
Wait... squirrels have to be in season, to hunt them?
~Rushes out back to my garage, to cover things with tarps~ %26gt;.%26gt;
Best time is before 10:30 AM, and after 2 PM in the Afternoon.*Squirrel hunting had a quick question?
When it is cold and sunny, little to no wind and at sun up or shortly after in the morning. When it is windy or cloudy squirrels will stir but stay close to their holes (dens). When it's very windy you're lucky to see one unless it's in a well sheltered draw or hollar. Another good time to go is right before sunset, about 30 minutes before or so. They will come out and forage around until in most cases after dark.
With a fox squirrel, they come out a bit later than the grey squirrels. With experience you will be able to tell with their barks if it's a grey or a fox (red) squirrel. You can usually find them about mid morning and throughout the day sunning themselves on branches, look in the pocket between the limb and trunk closely, you'll most often see them there sunning or eating.
This time of year, look around any oak trees for either kind of squirrel. A good sign is if you find acorn shell castings around the trees. Many times you'll see holes in the tree where they have dug out old woodpecker nests and made them into their own nests. You'll know you have found a well used one if you find all the bark scrapped off around the hole from their claws as they go in and out.
Stay well hidden around a large grove of tall oak trees and you're sure to see one. They like the taller trees for escape from preditors.
The favorite place I like to go is a large grove of oak tress with cedars around and by them for cover for the squirrels and me.
Hope you get your limit :o)
I find that I bag the most squirrels if I am in the woods just before daylight. They are starting to move about just as the sun comes up and will continue until about 10:00 AM. If it is overcast, they may move about later in the day. There will still be squirrels moving about after 10:00 but they are less active and you will likely get fewer shots. They are active again in the late afternoon but I have always found the morning to be more productive. And, no, they don't have little wristwatches, the times are just approximate.
You can squirrel hunt at pretty much any time. It really doesn't matter.
Yes because the squirrels are out and moving in the morning just like deer.
three hours after sunrise and three hours before sunset
anytime is a good time for squirrels
yes am is fine after a rain they come out and feed ok thanks eddie
Wait... squirrels have to be in season, to hunt them?
~Rushes out back to my garage, to cover things with tarps~ %26gt;.%26gt;
What hunting rifle is better for a 14 year old 300 savage or 30-06
The 300 Savage will have less recoil and shoot consistently to 150 yards still retaining more than enough energy to take down a whitetail deer. That gun has been around a long time and is a good cartridge.
The '06 is now more than a 100 years old and is by far the most popular caliber in the world.
But the '06 will have a bit more recoil, but gain a lot more distance if you have a longer shot. There is also a pile more ammo available for the '06 than what is being manufactured for the 300 Savage.What hunting rifle is better for a 14 year old 300 savage or 30-06
If it had to be one of those 2 and you didn't already own a .300 Savage, I would choose the .30-06 with Remington Managed recoil rounds (which is what I did for my 13 year old daughter last year). The reduced recoil rounds bring the recoil down top near .243 levels. When they can handle the heavier recoil, you have the flexibility of the .30-06. If you already own a .300 Savage, it is an excellent choice as it has less recoil than a .308 and a little slower round.
I would personally suggest a .308 though if you currently do not own a .30-06 and are looking to buy them their first gun. You can still use Managed Recoil rounds if needed and full power .308 rounds are more than capable of taking game up to and including Elk without the recoil of the .30-06. With a .243, you are limited to the lighter grain rounds forever.What hunting rifle is better for a 14 year old 300 savage or 30-06
The .30-06 is a great choice for any game animal in the US. There are a variety of bullet weights and loads available for everything from gophers to elk. Recoil shouldn't be much of a problem, but for a beginner, you might look into the ';managed recoil'; round available at any sporting goods store. The .30-06 is very versatile, and so common that ammo for it will be available as long as there are firearms.
the .30-06 can kick like a mule if you're not careful and so can the 300. if you want these calibers go ahead, but i'd settle with a .270 or .270WSM; it has considerably less recoil than both guns mentioned, has the same stopping power, goes faster, has a flatter trajectory, and is much easier to shoot than the 2 you mentioned above. the .270 outfitted with a good scope performs just as well, if not better, than a .30-06.
If i was buying a rifle for a 14 yr. old, I'd get a .243 or .25-06, less recoil, and plenty powerful to take all varmints, and great deer calibers too, but of your 2 choices, I'd go with the .30-06, easily one of the best, most versatile calibers there is. thanks and have fun.
For a 14 year old .. has he hunted much ?
Both guns pack-a-lot-of-kick.
Probably the 30-06 for this age .. however - a 7mm-08 would be a lot better for them at 14 years old - and -- the 7mm-08 is a veryyyy sweet gun.
either or 30-06 would be my choice for my son if had one.i have a girl so thats a bit diff but none the less.what does he feel more comfortable with would be a place to start.you with lenghts,wieghts,kick or recoil.enjoy ur hunt
30-06 and make sure you can buy good optics to.Its a do ALL gun and ammo can be found ANYWHERE.I would look into getting a remington 700 sps ss with a nikon or LP scope
id say a 300 hundred sav because im 13 and thats what i use
The .30-06 Springfield is more versatile. With the 130 grain rounds it is hardly a 'shoulder-bruiser.'
You best choices are the Remington 6mm, 270, or 284 calibers.* Pick one.*
im 14 too, and i love the 30-06. go with that it has tons of different bullet weights to choose from
none..hunting is murder
a BB Rifle
The '06 is now more than a 100 years old and is by far the most popular caliber in the world.
But the '06 will have a bit more recoil, but gain a lot more distance if you have a longer shot. There is also a pile more ammo available for the '06 than what is being manufactured for the 300 Savage.What hunting rifle is better for a 14 year old 300 savage or 30-06
If it had to be one of those 2 and you didn't already own a .300 Savage, I would choose the .30-06 with Remington Managed recoil rounds (which is what I did for my 13 year old daughter last year). The reduced recoil rounds bring the recoil down top near .243 levels. When they can handle the heavier recoil, you have the flexibility of the .30-06. If you already own a .300 Savage, it is an excellent choice as it has less recoil than a .308 and a little slower round.
I would personally suggest a .308 though if you currently do not own a .30-06 and are looking to buy them their first gun. You can still use Managed Recoil rounds if needed and full power .308 rounds are more than capable of taking game up to and including Elk without the recoil of the .30-06. With a .243, you are limited to the lighter grain rounds forever.What hunting rifle is better for a 14 year old 300 savage or 30-06
The .30-06 is a great choice for any game animal in the US. There are a variety of bullet weights and loads available for everything from gophers to elk. Recoil shouldn't be much of a problem, but for a beginner, you might look into the ';managed recoil'; round available at any sporting goods store. The .30-06 is very versatile, and so common that ammo for it will be available as long as there are firearms.
the .30-06 can kick like a mule if you're not careful and so can the 300. if you want these calibers go ahead, but i'd settle with a .270 or .270WSM; it has considerably less recoil than both guns mentioned, has the same stopping power, goes faster, has a flatter trajectory, and is much easier to shoot than the 2 you mentioned above. the .270 outfitted with a good scope performs just as well, if not better, than a .30-06.
If i was buying a rifle for a 14 yr. old, I'd get a .243 or .25-06, less recoil, and plenty powerful to take all varmints, and great deer calibers too, but of your 2 choices, I'd go with the .30-06, easily one of the best, most versatile calibers there is. thanks and have fun.
For a 14 year old .. has he hunted much ?
Both guns pack-a-lot-of-kick.
Probably the 30-06 for this age .. however - a 7mm-08 would be a lot better for them at 14 years old - and -- the 7mm-08 is a veryyyy sweet gun.
either or 30-06 would be my choice for my son if had one.i have a girl so thats a bit diff but none the less.what does he feel more comfortable with would be a place to start.you with lenghts,wieghts,kick or recoil.enjoy ur hunt
30-06 and make sure you can buy good optics to.Its a do ALL gun and ammo can be found ANYWHERE.I would look into getting a remington 700 sps ss with a nikon or LP scope
id say a 300 hundred sav because im 13 and thats what i use
The .30-06 Springfield is more versatile. With the 130 grain rounds it is hardly a 'shoulder-bruiser.'
You best choices are the Remington 6mm, 270, or 284 calibers.* Pick one.*
im 14 too, and i love the 30-06. go with that it has tons of different bullet weights to choose from
none..hunting is murder
a BB Rifle
Do you think the Government ban on ';hunting with hound's'; has been a success?
If the answer is ';NO';, as I suspect, then why was so much time, money and effort wasted ? I wonder how many foxes lives were ';saved';?Do you think the Government ban on ';hunting with hound's'; has been a success?
I don't understand why a law against fox hunting was passed at great expense to us who pay taxes and yet other laws seem to take years to be moved on.
Foxes have recently become a huge problem where i live - I have to make sure I keep my cats in over night now as 3 have been killed by foxes in the past 4 months. This had only happened once in twelve years before the ban!
I don't care a fig about the 'rights' of foxes in regards to cruelty- what about the rights of children and old people - also for those needing dental treatment, medical treatment, a better education and 'the right ' not to catch MRSA etc!!!!
It was a huge PR movement by Tony Blair to distract us from major issues - clever man - it worked.Do you think the Government ban on ';hunting with hound's'; has been a success?
Where I live there is no ban on hunting with hounds (this is the first I've ever heard of such a thing ???) We hunt mountain lion and bear with our hounds..... But, living in the good'ol southwest ';wild'; west certainly does have it benefits......
I think it might be. i meen there was a fox in my garden for the first time ever the other day
Yes . although limited . It should remain so with badger baiting , bull baiting , cock fighting , dog fighting , bear baiting , and stag hunting .
This is a good question . who was it that told the government that this legislation wasn`t to the advantage of the fox. The BASC British assosiation for shooting and conservation.the very people who the legislation was aimed at,but the government buckled to the preasure from the animal rights and the RSPCA ,who are funded largely by the people who are blowing up peoples cars because they go to work at animal labs. I myself don`t hunt I used to be a member of a coursing club. proper coursing not the mindless killing of hares that goes on in the name of coursing. I do however shoot and since the ban have had numerous calls from local farmers for my services with regard s to fox damage.this year I have already shot 60% more problem foxes than ever before.I can only put it down to the farmers worrying about the increase and the fact that the hunts aren`t killing any. I think it has had an adverse effect on foxes because before the ban farmers would tollerate them because the hunt provided a service of dispersal and also they wuold take fallen stock which saved the farmer having to pay to have it removed . now they don`t.
i understand why it was banned and they say the fox is on the up in numbers and now is becoming more of a problem in spite of humane ways of killing them
at the end of the day itwas cruel and this is a moden world and people should not act like that.
for the record i hate foxes i can not stand them
regards x kitti x
Humm, this must not be in effect in the U.S. We hunt hogs with catch dogs, and a few people still run deer with hounds.
Numerous people hunt foul and small game with dogs also.
It was a rather silly policy to begin with, 59% of the population were in favour of keeping it, yet it was banned anyway.
Not that i'm an advocate for or against, all i see is jobs lost because of the ban.
Ask the foxes!
now i dont think it was much of a success.... sure foxes might not be able to out run a hound but they also cant out run a bullet.
I don't understand why a law against fox hunting was passed at great expense to us who pay taxes and yet other laws seem to take years to be moved on.
Foxes have recently become a huge problem where i live - I have to make sure I keep my cats in over night now as 3 have been killed by foxes in the past 4 months. This had only happened once in twelve years before the ban!
I don't care a fig about the 'rights' of foxes in regards to cruelty- what about the rights of children and old people - also for those needing dental treatment, medical treatment, a better education and 'the right ' not to catch MRSA etc!!!!
It was a huge PR movement by Tony Blair to distract us from major issues - clever man - it worked.Do you think the Government ban on ';hunting with hound's'; has been a success?
Where I live there is no ban on hunting with hounds (this is the first I've ever heard of such a thing ???) We hunt mountain lion and bear with our hounds..... But, living in the good'ol southwest ';wild'; west certainly does have it benefits......
I think it might be. i meen there was a fox in my garden for the first time ever the other day
Yes . although limited . It should remain so with badger baiting , bull baiting , cock fighting , dog fighting , bear baiting , and stag hunting .
This is a good question . who was it that told the government that this legislation wasn`t to the advantage of the fox. The BASC British assosiation for shooting and conservation.the very people who the legislation was aimed at,but the government buckled to the preasure from the animal rights and the RSPCA ,who are funded largely by the people who are blowing up peoples cars because they go to work at animal labs. I myself don`t hunt I used to be a member of a coursing club. proper coursing not the mindless killing of hares that goes on in the name of coursing. I do however shoot and since the ban have had numerous calls from local farmers for my services with regard s to fox damage.this year I have already shot 60% more problem foxes than ever before.I can only put it down to the farmers worrying about the increase and the fact that the hunts aren`t killing any. I think it has had an adverse effect on foxes because before the ban farmers would tollerate them because the hunt provided a service of dispersal and also they wuold take fallen stock which saved the farmer having to pay to have it removed . now they don`t.
i understand why it was banned and they say the fox is on the up in numbers and now is becoming more of a problem in spite of humane ways of killing them
at the end of the day itwas cruel and this is a moden world and people should not act like that.
for the record i hate foxes i can not stand them
regards x kitti x
Humm, this must not be in effect in the U.S. We hunt hogs with catch dogs, and a few people still run deer with hounds.
Numerous people hunt foul and small game with dogs also.
It was a rather silly policy to begin with, 59% of the population were in favour of keeping it, yet it was banned anyway.
Not that i'm an advocate for or against, all i see is jobs lost because of the ban.
Ask the foxes!
now i dont think it was much of a success.... sure foxes might not be able to out run a hound but they also cant out run a bullet.
I need help coming up with a hunting team name that's more professional?
The team name right now is Team Iowa but i would like to incorporate it in with something else.I need help coming up with a hunting team name that's more professional?
Have any sponsors? Use the sponsors name in your team name.
If Hornady for example sponsored your team, you could go by Iowa Team Hornady.I need help coming up with a hunting team name that's more professional?
'hunting team';
Don't try to make hunting a sport, or some sort of ';manliness'; test. it only makes you a jackass.
Shooting things with guns that could stop cars doesn't make you a man, and neither does trapping them with snares.
there is no competition to see who gets the biggest deer.. well, there shouldn't be.
but all in all, grow up.
Bucks ';R'; Us.
Have any sponsors? Use the sponsors name in your team name.
If Hornady for example sponsored your team, you could go by Iowa Team Hornady.I need help coming up with a hunting team name that's more professional?
'hunting team';
Don't try to make hunting a sport, or some sort of ';manliness'; test. it only makes you a jackass.
Shooting things with guns that could stop cars doesn't make you a man, and neither does trapping them with snares.
there is no competition to see who gets the biggest deer.. well, there shouldn't be.
but all in all, grow up.
Bucks ';R'; Us.
Does anyone have videos of great danes hunting for wild boars?
No I dont think so.Not to be mean but I Suggest that you read more dog breed books or dog breed websites about info about great danes. I hope I was helpful somewhat.
How many people are as outraged as I am that we are no longer hunting for bin Laden? or so we are told.?
We are still hunting for Osama although he's probably already dead.How many people are as outraged as I am that we are no longer hunting for bin Laden? or so we are told.?
Not me.
America would put him in a country club prison. Give him a color TV and personal trainer. Feed him three big Muslim meals per day complete with imported wine. Give him a team of America's best lawyers, paid for by the tax payers. Take him before a liberal, catch and release judge, who would sentence him to 9,000 years for mass murder, but set his mandatory release date for 9 months. The anti America mass media would then pay him millions of dollars to write a hate filled anti America book which would be bought by all the liberals in America, making him rich like Al Gore. When he was released, he would run for congress as a democrat from New York and he would win in a landslide.
I think we should leave him in his caves.How many people are as outraged as I am that we are no longer hunting for bin Laden? or so we are told.?
I don't know where you got your information, but we are still hunting for bin Laden. We are restricted from going into Pakistan, so there are limitations.make up lipstick
Not me.
America would put him in a country club prison. Give him a color TV and personal trainer. Feed him three big Muslim meals per day complete with imported wine. Give him a team of America's best lawyers, paid for by the tax payers. Take him before a liberal, catch and release judge, who would sentence him to 9,000 years for mass murder, but set his mandatory release date for 9 months. The anti America mass media would then pay him millions of dollars to write a hate filled anti America book which would be bought by all the liberals in America, making him rich like Al Gore. When he was released, he would run for congress as a democrat from New York and he would win in a landslide.
I think we should leave him in his caves.How many people are as outraged as I am that we are no longer hunting for bin Laden? or so we are told.?
I don't know where you got your information, but we are still hunting for bin Laden. We are restricted from going into Pakistan, so there are limitations.
In the spirit of unity should Dick Cheney invite the democrat leadership to go hunting today with him?
Isn't it funny how the democrat liberals here are so paranoid of a few hours of Cheney?In the spirit of unity should Dick Cheney invite the democrat leadership to go hunting today with him?
Yes, it is! I got a big kick out of seeing how paranoid some were yesterday. It's funny that some don't have the sense to be concerned about terrorism but trembled at the thought of Cheney acting as President for three hours. You haven't violated any rules either.In the spirit of unity should Dick Cheney invite the democrat leadership to go hunting today with him?
Very funny my native friend !!
Hey , out of curiosity , where do Native Americans stand politically ? Left ? Right ? Center ? Mix ?
Not just the leadership, the entire left side of the isle !
Yes he should and they shoot them all and said I'm drunk.
Well, they are the ones being anal. President isn't being that way. Maybe the Dems just need a good colonoscopy or at least the prep. This would get rid of the poisons in them and possibly they could smile a little and be nicer ( Not Likely. They like being blocked up)
If VP Cheney invited them to hunt with him, the animals would leave the area.They don't like the smell either.
Yea. He can. He should. Provided Halliburton Energy Services, his employers, allow him to.
Someone really should take the arrogant, annoying Nancy Pelosi hunting.
Thanks for the laugh Paul, it was the first of the morning for me. The long-term possibilities of the Administrations policies scare the hell out of the Democrats. It's effects could very well make them a minority party for decades to come. I strongly feel that if it was not for their obstructionist and defeatist attitude they would be as relevant as the Whig party for the next 100 years. Keep up the great work!!!!
Answer to your first question: Yes, but only if they're allowed to bring guns and wear orange vests and facemasks.
Answer to your second question: Everyone should be afraid of 5-D Cheney.
ra ra raaaaa oval office ra ree ra
i got a laugh from your question , yet it is serious when they are so paranoid. guess they don't have a clue that to do much of all, the Constitution would have to be suspended. fat chance. they are natural born whiners.
ted Kennedy killed more ppl with his car than Chaney did with his gun. how quick they forget the facts.
Thanks for the heads up on the bleeding heart troller. I did not hear a threat, simply a hypothetical situation question. The libs need to hide under there mommy's bed until the grownups can work things out and stop giving the terrorists even more reason to celebrate. Some of the libs have crossed the line of what could only be called treason in this time of war. Liberals are afraid of anything except waiting for the next government handout. Keep up the good fight. [Obviously libs have lost the ability to recognize a little sarcasm. Sad.]
Only if they ( dems) carry the guns and get drunk, send Bush out too...even better trophy!
YES! Hillary and Nancy should go with him ..
He will have to get permission from bin Laden first.
As long as he's using a Perazzi again, why not?
That would be the polite thing to do. They should be paranoid. Dick Cheney can out think them in his sleep.
Dick should take the Prez, all members of the House, Senate, and any other government officials hunting.
I don't think that many democrats would accept that gesture of friendship, even Kennedy in his normal drunken state would decline.
I think it would be the neighborly thing to do.. But i would still rather hunt with Dick Cheney, than ride with Ted Kennedy...
Yes, it is! I got a big kick out of seeing how paranoid some were yesterday. It's funny that some don't have the sense to be concerned about terrorism but trembled at the thought of Cheney acting as President for three hours. You haven't violated any rules either.In the spirit of unity should Dick Cheney invite the democrat leadership to go hunting today with him?
Report Abuse
Very funny my native friend !!
Hey , out of curiosity , where do Native Americans stand politically ? Left ? Right ? Center ? Mix ?
Not just the leadership, the entire left side of the isle !
Yes he should and they shoot them all and said I'm drunk.
Well, they are the ones being anal. President isn't being that way. Maybe the Dems just need a good colonoscopy or at least the prep. This would get rid of the poisons in them and possibly they could smile a little and be nicer ( Not Likely. They like being blocked up)
If VP Cheney invited them to hunt with him, the animals would leave the area.They don't like the smell either.
Yea. He can. He should. Provided Halliburton Energy Services, his employers, allow him to.
Someone really should take the arrogant, annoying Nancy Pelosi hunting.
Thanks for the laugh Paul, it was the first of the morning for me. The long-term possibilities of the Administrations policies scare the hell out of the Democrats. It's effects could very well make them a minority party for decades to come. I strongly feel that if it was not for their obstructionist and defeatist attitude they would be as relevant as the Whig party for the next 100 years. Keep up the great work!!!!
Answer to your first question: Yes, but only if they're allowed to bring guns and wear orange vests and facemasks.
Answer to your second question: Everyone should be afraid of 5-D Cheney.
ra ra raaaaa oval office ra ree ra
i got a laugh from your question , yet it is serious when they are so paranoid. guess they don't have a clue that to do much of all, the Constitution would have to be suspended. fat chance. they are natural born whiners.
ted Kennedy killed more ppl with his car than Chaney did with his gun. how quick they forget the facts.
Thanks for the heads up on the bleeding heart troller. I did not hear a threat, simply a hypothetical situation question. The libs need to hide under there mommy's bed until the grownups can work things out and stop giving the terrorists even more reason to celebrate. Some of the libs have crossed the line of what could only be called treason in this time of war. Liberals are afraid of anything except waiting for the next government handout. Keep up the good fight. [Obviously libs have lost the ability to recognize a little sarcasm. Sad.]
Only if they ( dems) carry the guns and get drunk, send Bush out too...even better trophy!
YES! Hillary and Nancy should go with him ..
He will have to get permission from bin Laden first.
As long as he's using a Perazzi again, why not?
That would be the polite thing to do. They should be paranoid. Dick Cheney can out think them in his sleep.
Dick should take the Prez, all members of the House, Senate, and any other government officials hunting.
I don't think that many democrats would accept that gesture of friendship, even Kennedy in his normal drunken state would decline.
I think it would be the neighborly thing to do.. But i would still rather hunt with Dick Cheney, than ride with Ted Kennedy...
What kinds of jobs is there in professional hunting??
what are jobs that u can do as a professional hunter. Or other things and careers that have to do with hunting and wildlife??What kinds of jobs is there in professional hunting??
the very very few jobs that exist are taken by people with strong connections...or people with a LOT of money
other careers are government related in forestry etc............again......very very few jobs
becoming involved in this area of interest is totally different than becoming EMPLOYED in this area of interest.
my suggestion.......go to college and become involved enough to get a foot in the door and meet people on the ';inside'; who may point you in better directions.
you need contacts in this business area, so meeting people and making your connections is the first and most important step.
the very very few jobs that exist are taken by people with strong connections...or people with a LOT of money
other careers are government related in forestry etc............again......very very few jobs
becoming involved in this area of interest is totally different than becoming EMPLOYED in this area of interest.
my suggestion.......go to college and become involved enough to get a foot in the door and meet people on the ';inside'; who may point you in better directions.
you need contacts in this business area, so meeting people and making your connections is the first and most important step.
Where can a 5' 1'; , 130lbs female find hunting clothes??
I would like to find a blaze orange insolated jumpsuite and blaze orange insolated coat. My street clothing sizes is medium .... between size 5 and 7 in pants.I haven't had any luck yet. Please HELP!!Where can a 5' 1'; , 130lbs female find hunting clothes??
im around that but alittle taller
in the cabelas they have women sizes and i would get a small. that would fit you perfect! you might need to get a large in kids sizes if you cant find women sizes. try bass pro and cabelas. that will be your best luck.
your last resort would be that you look under men and just get a small if they have it but it will still be alittle big. us women dont have alot to choose from.Where can a 5' 1'; , 130lbs female find hunting clothes??
Bass Pro Shop
Cabelas.com or basspro.com
LL Bean is very good, but $$$
cabbellas but that does not sound like hunting clothes more like road construction or jail work crew. I understand the saftey factor but you will need to hide. Also remember not to wear perfume or wash your hunting clothes with perfumed soap. Have fun hunting
Gander Mountain or Cabellas
You can find everything at Cabela's. Really, everything.
Try the children/Jr. section in the hunting/sporting good store you shop at. I am a little taller than you and weigh a little less than you. I frequent those sections and find lots of clothing that fit me well and the prices are way more affordable. I know many adultd hate shoping in the children section but there are some great hunting cloths there and no one knows the difference unless you tel them. I shop Sportsman's Warehouse regularly. Good Luck!!
i don't know if anyone has ever heard of L.L. Bean, but i only buy from them. they are just as good quality as cabelas, but they have a better deal. they don't have as wide a selection as cabelas, but they do have a %100 guarantee. if my waders leak, i can send them back and get store credit or a new pair. my wading boots are too small, so I'm gonna send em back soon and get a new pair.
here are the pants
heres coat
heres the link for L.L. Bean
good luck this season.
im around that but alittle taller
in the cabelas they have women sizes and i would get a small. that would fit you perfect! you might need to get a large in kids sizes if you cant find women sizes. try bass pro and cabelas. that will be your best luck.
your last resort would be that you look under men and just get a small if they have it but it will still be alittle big. us women dont have alot to choose from.Where can a 5' 1'; , 130lbs female find hunting clothes??
Bass Pro Shop
Cabelas.com or basspro.com
LL Bean is very good, but $$$
cabbellas but that does not sound like hunting clothes more like road construction or jail work crew. I understand the saftey factor but you will need to hide. Also remember not to wear perfume or wash your hunting clothes with perfumed soap. Have fun hunting
Gander Mountain or Cabellas
You can find everything at Cabela's. Really, everything.
Try the children/Jr. section in the hunting/sporting good store you shop at. I am a little taller than you and weigh a little less than you. I frequent those sections and find lots of clothing that fit me well and the prices are way more affordable. I know many adultd hate shoping in the children section but there are some great hunting cloths there and no one knows the difference unless you tel them. I shop Sportsman's Warehouse regularly. Good Luck!!
i don't know if anyone has ever heard of L.L. Bean, but i only buy from them. they are just as good quality as cabelas, but they have a better deal. they don't have as wide a selection as cabelas, but they do have a %100 guarantee. if my waders leak, i can send them back and get store credit or a new pair. my wading boots are too small, so I'm gonna send em back soon and get a new pair.
here are the pants
heres coat
heres the link for L.L. Bean
good luck this season.
Does anyone knows a legit website fo job hunting?
I have been applying everywhere but nada..
i need some help =)Does anyone knows a legit website fo job hunting?
I went on snagajob.com before and it seemed pretty legit.
You just put in your zip code and it gives you a list of available jobs.
You can even fill applications out for them online.
I'm guessing the companies pay for the space on that website..so it's most likely legit.Does anyone knows a legit website fo job hunting?
Try www.usajobs.gov/ for government jobs...
Also, there is www.topusajobs.com...
try monster.com
i need some help =)Does anyone knows a legit website fo job hunting?
I went on snagajob.com before and it seemed pretty legit.
You just put in your zip code and it gives you a list of available jobs.
You can even fill applications out for them online.
I'm guessing the companies pay for the space on that website..so it's most likely legit.Does anyone knows a legit website fo job hunting?
Try www.usajobs.gov/ for government jobs...
Also, there is www.topusajobs.com...
try monster.com
Morality of hunting and fishing?
I'm writing a persuasive research paper for my English class. We have to either say hunting and fishing is immoral or moral. I am for it being immoral. We need at least 3 reasons as to why this is. I have:
1. They are creatures of the Earth, just like humans.
2. They have feelings and feel pain.
I need a third one please. Even if you are for it being moral, do you have any ideas?? Please help!!!Morality of hunting and fishing?
With all the modern hunting and fishing equipment available today is is like shooting fish in a barrel. The animals and fish really have no chance and it certainly is not a fair battle. ie, long range gun scopes, under water radar to find school of fish, bows and arrows that are so sophisticated they are like firing a gun.Morality of hunting and fishing?
You're going to have to tackle the fact that slaughter houses and fish farms are much more cruel than shooting a deer who has had a chance to live a normal life. The two arguments you have so far are 'ok' they just ignore the fact that hunters usually do use the animals for food and take measures to insure that the animal doesn't suffer unduly before death. In slaughter houses, that's not the case.
Maybe your third one should be something along the lines of: hunting for reasons other than obtaining food or culling the population to overpopulation is wasteful and unnecessary.
YOU NEED to be TRUTHFUL with yourself! You're in total denial!
First of all, if you say it is immoral to hunt and fish, then you must also say it is immoral for you to eat meat? I'm not sure if you're a vegetarian or not, but if you consume, or have consumed any meat in your life, then you have contributed to the SLAUGHTERING of animals. That is immoral too right? RIGHT??? RIGHT????
Be fair now Chel-C! Animals that are slaughtered also have feelings and feel pain, and they are also creatures of the Earth. lol Don't contradict yourself now!
Lastly, if you are a veggie, and you order a veggie meal from a restaurant, you are STILL SUPPORTING THE SLAUGHTERING OF ANIMALS, because you are supporting places that allow animals to be slaughtered.
I suggest that you tell your instructor that the question cannot be answered because MOST PEOPLE EAT MEAT, and therefore, MOST PEOPLE ARE already killing the animals!
If you think hunting is immoral then practically everything in the world is immoral since a fact of life is that one or more organism has to die to feed another. You think vegetables are not alive? Just because they are not sentient beings does not mean they don't have life. Also animals hunt each other what are you doing to do about lions, bears and wolves?
Well for your sake I hope you change your stance or really know how to write because you're about to make yourself look like a fool.
Survival of the fittest. We are bigger, stronger and smarter than the animals (well, most of us). Our bodies were meant to process meat.
There are some idiots out there that poach endangered species-I'm against that, not against farming animals for consumption. If you hunt and fish instead of going to the grocery store...I have no problem with that.
do you wear leather shoes?
it's moral and helps the animals/fish from overcrowding themselves. it's healthy for their lives.
i can't even think of a bogus reason why it would immoral. sorry.
Hunting is moral as it controls overcrowding of the animal species. It also feeds a portion of the human population.
The Native Americans were hunters and fishermen. Clearly God punished them and rewarded those who slaughtered domesticated animals instead.
some people kill them exclusively for trophies.
The Bible says the fields and streams are teaming with game for our consumption.
1. They are creatures of the Earth, just like humans.
2. They have feelings and feel pain.
I need a third one please. Even if you are for it being moral, do you have any ideas?? Please help!!!Morality of hunting and fishing?
With all the modern hunting and fishing equipment available today is is like shooting fish in a barrel. The animals and fish really have no chance and it certainly is not a fair battle. ie, long range gun scopes, under water radar to find school of fish, bows and arrows that are so sophisticated they are like firing a gun.Morality of hunting and fishing?
You're going to have to tackle the fact that slaughter houses and fish farms are much more cruel than shooting a deer who has had a chance to live a normal life. The two arguments you have so far are 'ok' they just ignore the fact that hunters usually do use the animals for food and take measures to insure that the animal doesn't suffer unduly before death. In slaughter houses, that's not the case.
Maybe your third one should be something along the lines of: hunting for reasons other than obtaining food or culling the population to overpopulation is wasteful and unnecessary.
YOU NEED to be TRUTHFUL with yourself! You're in total denial!
First of all, if you say it is immoral to hunt and fish, then you must also say it is immoral for you to eat meat? I'm not sure if you're a vegetarian or not, but if you consume, or have consumed any meat in your life, then you have contributed to the SLAUGHTERING of animals. That is immoral too right? RIGHT??? RIGHT????
Be fair now Chel-C! Animals that are slaughtered also have feelings and feel pain, and they are also creatures of the Earth. lol Don't contradict yourself now!
Lastly, if you are a veggie, and you order a veggie meal from a restaurant, you are STILL SUPPORTING THE SLAUGHTERING OF ANIMALS, because you are supporting places that allow animals to be slaughtered.
I suggest that you tell your instructor that the question cannot be answered because MOST PEOPLE EAT MEAT, and therefore, MOST PEOPLE ARE already killing the animals!
If you think hunting is immoral then practically everything in the world is immoral since a fact of life is that one or more organism has to die to feed another. You think vegetables are not alive? Just because they are not sentient beings does not mean they don't have life. Also animals hunt each other what are you doing to do about lions, bears and wolves?
Well for your sake I hope you change your stance or really know how to write because you're about to make yourself look like a fool.
Survival of the fittest. We are bigger, stronger and smarter than the animals (well, most of us). Our bodies were meant to process meat.
There are some idiots out there that poach endangered species-I'm against that, not against farming animals for consumption. If you hunt and fish instead of going to the grocery store...I have no problem with that.
do you wear leather shoes?
it's moral and helps the animals/fish from overcrowding themselves. it's healthy for their lives.
i can't even think of a bogus reason why it would immoral. sorry.
Hunting is moral as it controls overcrowding of the animal species. It also feeds a portion of the human population.
The Native Americans were hunters and fishermen. Clearly God punished them and rewarded those who slaughtered domesticated animals instead.
some people kill them exclusively for trophies.
The Bible says the fields and streams are teaming with game for our consumption.
When does hunting season start?
It depends on what you are hunting and where.When does hunting season start?
Usually in the fall and there's a season for turkeys in the spring, but it depends on what state your in and what you want to hunt. Go to the game commission website for your state and there should be a schedule or go to where you can buy a hunting license and ask for a regulation book.When does hunting season start?
In Alaska it opens August 1 for small game and August 10th for big game and runs through March 31.
Some species in areas of Alaska - black bear, rabbits etc there is no closed seaon. Open all year round.
However, Alaska has strict rules about not hunting bears with cubs, or moose with calfs etc etc.
what kind of hunting theirs something going on all year long in my state coyote is year long deer for bow starts in Sept till Jan deer for gun starts in Nov muzzeloding for deer is in DEC small game starts in Aug till Jan bullfrog starts in Feb till Sept contact you local wildlife game commission for more info they can help
LOL It is impossible to answer your question without knowing which species, which state, and which zone your in. Zones within a state sometimes vary by species as well.
Every spices en every state is different. I could not tell you without knowing where you are and what you want to hunt.
What animal and where do you live?make up lipstick
Usually in the fall and there's a season for turkeys in the spring, but it depends on what state your in and what you want to hunt. Go to the game commission website for your state and there should be a schedule or go to where you can buy a hunting license and ask for a regulation book.When does hunting season start?
In Alaska it opens August 1 for small game and August 10th for big game and runs through March 31.
Some species in areas of Alaska - black bear, rabbits etc there is no closed seaon. Open all year round.
However, Alaska has strict rules about not hunting bears with cubs, or moose with calfs etc etc.
what kind of hunting theirs something going on all year long in my state coyote is year long deer for bow starts in Sept till Jan deer for gun starts in Nov muzzeloding for deer is in DEC small game starts in Aug till Jan bullfrog starts in Feb till Sept contact you local wildlife game commission for more info they can help
LOL It is impossible to answer your question without knowing which species, which state, and which zone your in. Zones within a state sometimes vary by species as well.
Every spices en every state is different. I could not tell you without knowing where you are and what you want to hunt.
What animal and where do you live?
Im job hunting for the first time: any tips?
Make sure to be there before its time for your interview. Get to know all what u can about the company r the position that you r applying for. Do not use any slang. Be as professional as possible and be honest with the interviewer. Every one has had to do this and needed their start from somewhere. Good Luck!!!Im job hunting for the first time: any tips?
Buy a Sunday paper with the job ads, look at them. Circle or highlight the ones that look interesting.
Talk with your friends about where they have worked or currently worked, if they like it, and why or why not. That will help you know which places treat their employees like crap, what their pay rates are like, and the like.
Also consider what your interests are. If you think you might want to be a doctor, is there a medical office that you could work in answering phones? If your interest is photography, is there a photography studio that you could work at, like a corporate chain, where you could learn the basics?
When I was looking for my first job, I didn't consider my interests, I was just looking for a paycheck, as most people do, and also as most people do, I hated my first job after the first 3 months of newness wore off.
Ask around at what good places are to work.
Practice interviewing with a parent or another adult, and dress for success! Shake hands firmly to show that you are confident.
Good luck!
try headhunters. sometimes they do wonders. they'll find you a job and prep you for the interview.
Wear a nice outfit
Have your resume spell checked (if you have a resume)
Don't chew gum
Turn off your cell phone during the interview
If you want the job, ask for it (politely)
Have references
Show up a few minutes early
Cover your tattoos and piercings
Speak honestly and from the heart
Don't talk about your personal life
If ya fail a few times to get a job, DONT GIVE UP
Also if you are in need of some extra cash for the meanwhile checkout: http://www.rippedwallet.com/pages/?refid=xxxgod
Buy a Sunday paper with the job ads, look at them. Circle or highlight the ones that look interesting.
Talk with your friends about where they have worked or currently worked, if they like it, and why or why not. That will help you know which places treat their employees like crap, what their pay rates are like, and the like.
Also consider what your interests are. If you think you might want to be a doctor, is there a medical office that you could work in answering phones? If your interest is photography, is there a photography studio that you could work at, like a corporate chain, where you could learn the basics?
When I was looking for my first job, I didn't consider my interests, I was just looking for a paycheck, as most people do, and also as most people do, I hated my first job after the first 3 months of newness wore off.
Ask around at what good places are to work.
Practice interviewing with a parent or another adult, and dress for success! Shake hands firmly to show that you are confident.
Good luck!
try headhunters. sometimes they do wonders. they'll find you a job and prep you for the interview.
Wear a nice outfit
Have your resume spell checked (if you have a resume)
Don't chew gum
Turn off your cell phone during the interview
If you want the job, ask for it (politely)
Have references
Show up a few minutes early
Cover your tattoos and piercings
Speak honestly and from the heart
Don't talk about your personal life
If ya fail a few times to get a job, DONT GIVE UP
Also if you are in need of some extra cash for the meanwhile checkout: http://www.rippedwallet.com/pages/?refid=xxxgod
Where in singapore best to search for job hunting?
Hi i am not sure where you are from... but here are some options
Newspapers - the straits times classified ads (saturday had lots of such ads)
websites - more and more singaporeans are now going online to look fore jobs (Jobs db, Jobs bank, monster and so forth) You can submit your resume online if you are staying overseas.
employment or jobs agencies - Mostly found at international plaza at tanjong pagar MRT. Note, if you are looking for specific industries e.g. IT or engineering related you might like to go jurong east area. There are some agencies there which caters to the needs of companies and businesses located in the industrial area in Jurong area. there are also agencies which caters to specific industries so take note.
Bigger Employment agencies in Singapore e.g. Kelly services and so forth.
also note that you are not required to pay the agencies to look for jobs for you
good luck in your job hunting!Where in singapore best to search for job hunting?
go website for job hunting.Where in singapore best to search for job hunting?
No where is best search but you can try all your best.
Try searching at newspaper classified internet search, job agencies or asking friends around if they have any deals for you. I believe Singapore Manpower Ministry can also help you.
Be a whore in the red light district.
- Adecco (an jobsearch agency)
- Newspapers, classified section
- Jobcentral website
Newspapers - the straits times classified ads (saturday had lots of such ads)
websites - more and more singaporeans are now going online to look fore jobs (Jobs db, Jobs bank, monster and so forth) You can submit your resume online if you are staying overseas.
employment or jobs agencies - Mostly found at international plaza at tanjong pagar MRT. Note, if you are looking for specific industries e.g. IT or engineering related you might like to go jurong east area. There are some agencies there which caters to the needs of companies and businesses located in the industrial area in Jurong area. there are also agencies which caters to specific industries so take note.
Bigger Employment agencies in Singapore e.g. Kelly services and so forth.
also note that you are not required to pay the agencies to look for jobs for you
good luck in your job hunting!Where in singapore best to search for job hunting?
go website for job hunting.Where in singapore best to search for job hunting?
No where is best search but you can try all your best.
Try searching at newspaper classified internet search, job agencies or asking friends around if they have any deals for you. I believe Singapore Manpower Ministry can also help you.
Be a whore in the red light district.
- Adecco (an jobsearch agency)
- Newspapers, classified section
- Jobcentral website
Do you think John McCain would wear this hunting or to a party?
I think a good product would be ';Baby Duck Hat';. It's a fake baby duck, which you strap on top of your head. Then you go swimming underwater until you find a mommy duck and her babies, and you join them. Then, all of a sudden, you stand up out of the water and roar like Godzilla. Man, those ducks really take off! Also, Baby Duck Hat is good for parties.Do you think John McCain would wear this hunting or to a party?
I used to do that! Exept I used a ';Baby Alligator Hat';. And the mommy alligator didn't think it was that funny. Neither did I.
I used to do that! Exept I used a ';Baby Alligator Hat';. And the mommy alligator didn't think it was that funny. Neither did I.
I am UK Citizen wanting to go Whitetail Hunting in Wisconsin in Nov 2010?
My father is wisconsin resident and i would like to join him for rifle season for whitetail in november 2010, what license do i require and where to get, and cost. Thanks david (over 21 years old)I am UK Citizen wanting to go Whitetail Hunting in Wisconsin in Nov 2010?
First, go to www.dnr.wi.gov, and read up on deer hunting regulations for 2009. 2010 should be nearly the same, but they aren't out yet.
Then, go to https://jc.activeoutdoorsolutions.com/wi鈥?/a> to purchase your license. You'll need to use your passport number instead of your social security number according to the instructions.I am UK Citizen wanting to go Whitetail Hunting in Wisconsin in Nov 2010?
How can I take my licensed weapons abroad?
If you are the holder of a shotgun or firearms certificate and you wish to take your weapons abroad within the EEC, then you will need a European Firearms Permit (EFP). The EFP is issued free of charge, upon written application to your Firearms Licensing Department. You will need to specify what weapons you will be taking with you. A European Firearms Permit cannot have an expiry date later than the expiry date on the firearms or shotgun certificate on which the weapons are held. You may also need to send in a current photograph of yourself, signed on the reverse with your usual signature, when you request an EFP.
If you wish to take your weapons to any other country, whether in or outside the EEC, you should seek advice from the embassy or consulate of that country. Even within the EEC other documents may be required other than your European Firearms Permit.
All weapons must be declared to Customs and to the travel company carrying you, whether by land, sea or air.
The second to last paragraph is what your looking for. Also it is worth noting should you wish to take your own rifle then find out which airline will allow it on board.
fatefinger - LOL
Well there going to have to provide the firearms. I mean the place where great britain used to be has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world and a 440% increase in crime, 89% increase in gun related crime over the past decade to prove it but I would think single shot rifles are still legal, right? You might have trouble getting them (your own hunting rifle(s)) out of country, so much it may not be worth taking them. Your going to need a non-resident general hunting license and a whitetail tag. Probably going to cost around 200-250USD. Non-resident license and tags tend to cost quite a bit more, 4-5 times as much than if you were a resident. Check the Wisconsin game and fish website for regulations and tag application deadlines, its different for each state. But I believe you can buy leftovers anytime before the season starts. Plus its done by area so you need to figure that out too. Best to check that states game and fish. And all this cannot be done overseas, you need to be in the state to do it.
You can get a general license any time of the year for the year, but I'm not sure about tags, when there given out and what deadlines there are. Everything in my state is by a lottery but I'm not sure about Wisconsin.
First, go to www.dnr.wi.gov, and read up on deer hunting regulations for 2009. 2010 should be nearly the same, but they aren't out yet.
Then, go to https://jc.activeoutdoorsolutions.com/wi鈥?/a> to purchase your license. You'll need to use your passport number instead of your social security number according to the instructions.I am UK Citizen wanting to go Whitetail Hunting in Wisconsin in Nov 2010?
How can I take my licensed weapons abroad?
If you are the holder of a shotgun or firearms certificate and you wish to take your weapons abroad within the EEC, then you will need a European Firearms Permit (EFP). The EFP is issued free of charge, upon written application to your Firearms Licensing Department. You will need to specify what weapons you will be taking with you. A European Firearms Permit cannot have an expiry date later than the expiry date on the firearms or shotgun certificate on which the weapons are held. You may also need to send in a current photograph of yourself, signed on the reverse with your usual signature, when you request an EFP.
If you wish to take your weapons to any other country, whether in or outside the EEC, you should seek advice from the embassy or consulate of that country. Even within the EEC other documents may be required other than your European Firearms Permit.
All weapons must be declared to Customs and to the travel company carrying you, whether by land, sea or air.
The second to last paragraph is what your looking for. Also it is worth noting should you wish to take your own rifle then find out which airline will allow it on board.
fatefinger - LOL
Well there going to have to provide the firearms. I mean the place where great britain used to be has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world and a 440% increase in crime, 89% increase in gun related crime over the past decade to prove it but I would think single shot rifles are still legal, right? You might have trouble getting them (your own hunting rifle(s)) out of country, so much it may not be worth taking them. Your going to need a non-resident general hunting license and a whitetail tag. Probably going to cost around 200-250USD. Non-resident license and tags tend to cost quite a bit more, 4-5 times as much than if you were a resident. Check the Wisconsin game and fish website for regulations and tag application deadlines, its different for each state. But I believe you can buy leftovers anytime before the season starts. Plus its done by area so you need to figure that out too. Best to check that states game and fish. And all this cannot be done overseas, you need to be in the state to do it.
You can get a general license any time of the year for the year, but I'm not sure about tags, when there given out and what deadlines there are. Everything in my state is by a lottery but I'm not sure about Wisconsin.
What are the most leading/ critical job hunting websitesin UK?
for example, TES is quite popular in research / teaching. How about in business vacancies, such as IT industry, Business Consulting...What are the most leading/ critical job hunting websitesin UK?
www.jobcentreplus.gov.ukWhat are the most leading/ critical job hunting websitesin UK?
Monster.co.uk, you can even post your CV / resume on the site
路Hey, today there are many ways in which you can work from home and work online part/full time on your computer and earn extra money without being duped by frauds and scams鈥?
Online data entry,
Medical/general transcription,
write articles,
sell on eBay,
make a website,
take surveys..
and much much more..and all of these options do not need any kind of investment ever!!!
more details at-
www.jobcentreplus.gov.ukWhat are the most leading/ critical job hunting websitesin UK?
Monster.co.uk, you can even post your CV / resume on the site
路Hey, today there are many ways in which you can work from home and work online part/full time on your computer and earn extra money without being duped by frauds and scams鈥?
Online data entry,
Medical/general transcription,
write articles,
sell on eBay,
make a website,
take surveys..
and much much more..and all of these options do not need any kind of investment ever!!!
more details at-
I am UK Citizen wanting to go Whitetail Hunting in Wisconsin in Nov 2010?
My father is wisconsin resident and i would like to join him for rifle season for whitetail in november 2010, what license do i require and where to get, and cost. Thanks david (over 21 years old)I am UK Citizen wanting to go Whitetail Hunting in Wisconsin in Nov 2010?
First, go to www.dnr.wi.gov, and read up on deer hunting regulations for 2009. 2010 should be nearly the same, but they aren't out yet.
Then, go to https://jc.activeoutdoorsolutions.com/wi鈥?/a> to purchase your license. You'll need to use your passport number instead of your social security number according to the instructions.I am UK Citizen wanting to go Whitetail Hunting in Wisconsin in Nov 2010?
How can I take my licensed weapons abroad?
If you are the holder of a shotgun or firearms certificate and you wish to take your weapons abroad within the EEC, then you will need a European Firearms Permit (EFP). The EFP is issued free of charge, upon written application to your Firearms Licensing Department. You will need to specify what weapons you will be taking with you. A European Firearms Permit cannot have an expiry date later than the expiry date on the firearms or shotgun certificate on which the weapons are held. You may also need to send in a current photograph of yourself, signed on the reverse with your usual signature, when you request an EFP.
If you wish to take your weapons to any other country, whether in or outside the EEC, you should seek advice from the embassy or consulate of that country. Even within the EEC other documents may be required other than your European Firearms Permit.
All weapons must be declared to Customs and to the travel company carrying you, whether by land, sea or air.
The second to last paragraph is what your looking for. Also it is worth noting should you wish to take your own rifle then find out which airline will allow it on board.
fatefinger - LOL
Well there going to have to provide the firearms. I mean the place where great britain used to be has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world and a 440% increase in crime, 89% increase in gun related crime over the past decade to prove it but I would think single shot rifles are still legal, right? You might have trouble getting them (your own hunting rifle(s)) out of country, so much it may not be worth taking them. Your going to need a non-resident general hunting license and a whitetail tag. Probably going to cost around 200-250USD. Non-resident license and tags tend to cost quite a bit more, 4-5 times as much than if you were a resident. Check the Wisconsin game and fish website for regulations and tag application deadlines, its different for each state. But I believe you can buy leftovers anytime before the season starts. Plus its done by area so you need to figure that out too. Best to check that states game and fish. And all this cannot be done overseas, you need to be in the state to do it.
You can get a general license any time of the year for the year, but I'm not sure about tags, when there given out and what deadlines there are. Everything in my state is by a lottery but I'm not sure about Wisconsin.make up lipstick
First, go to www.dnr.wi.gov, and read up on deer hunting regulations for 2009. 2010 should be nearly the same, but they aren't out yet.
Then, go to https://jc.activeoutdoorsolutions.com/wi鈥?/a> to purchase your license. You'll need to use your passport number instead of your social security number according to the instructions.I am UK Citizen wanting to go Whitetail Hunting in Wisconsin in Nov 2010?
How can I take my licensed weapons abroad?
If you are the holder of a shotgun or firearms certificate and you wish to take your weapons abroad within the EEC, then you will need a European Firearms Permit (EFP). The EFP is issued free of charge, upon written application to your Firearms Licensing Department. You will need to specify what weapons you will be taking with you. A European Firearms Permit cannot have an expiry date later than the expiry date on the firearms or shotgun certificate on which the weapons are held. You may also need to send in a current photograph of yourself, signed on the reverse with your usual signature, when you request an EFP.
If you wish to take your weapons to any other country, whether in or outside the EEC, you should seek advice from the embassy or consulate of that country. Even within the EEC other documents may be required other than your European Firearms Permit.
All weapons must be declared to Customs and to the travel company carrying you, whether by land, sea or air.
The second to last paragraph is what your looking for. Also it is worth noting should you wish to take your own rifle then find out which airline will allow it on board.
fatefinger - LOL
Well there going to have to provide the firearms. I mean the place where great britain used to be has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world and a 440% increase in crime, 89% increase in gun related crime over the past decade to prove it but I would think single shot rifles are still legal, right? You might have trouble getting them (your own hunting rifle(s)) out of country, so much it may not be worth taking them. Your going to need a non-resident general hunting license and a whitetail tag. Probably going to cost around 200-250USD. Non-resident license and tags tend to cost quite a bit more, 4-5 times as much than if you were a resident. Check the Wisconsin game and fish website for regulations and tag application deadlines, its different for each state. But I believe you can buy leftovers anytime before the season starts. Plus its done by area so you need to figure that out too. Best to check that states game and fish. And all this cannot be done overseas, you need to be in the state to do it.
You can get a general license any time of the year for the year, but I'm not sure about tags, when there given out and what deadlines there are. Everything in my state is by a lottery but I'm not sure about Wisconsin.
Do you think John McCain would wear this hunting or to a party?
I think a good product would be ';Baby Duck Hat';. It's a fake baby duck, which you strap on top of your head. Then you go swimming underwater until you find a mommy duck and her babies, and you join them. Then, all of a sudden, you stand up out of the water and roar like Godzilla. Man, those ducks really take off! Also, Baby Duck Hat is good for parties.Do you think John McCain would wear this hunting or to a party?
I used to do that! Exept I used a ';Baby Alligator Hat';. And the mommy alligator didn't think it was that funny. Neither did I.
I used to do that! Exept I used a ';Baby Alligator Hat';. And the mommy alligator didn't think it was that funny. Neither did I.
What are the most leading/ critical job hunting websitesin UK?
for example, TES is quite popular in research / teaching. How about in business vacancies, such as IT industry, Business Consulting...What are the most leading/ critical job hunting websitesin UK?
www.jobcentreplus.gov.ukWhat are the most leading/ critical job hunting websitesin UK?
Monster.co.uk, you can even post your CV / resume on the site
路Hey, today there are many ways in which you can work from home and work online part/full time on your computer and earn extra money without being duped by frauds and scams鈥?
Online data entry,
Medical/general transcription,
write articles,
sell on eBay,
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take surveys..
and much much more..and all of these options do not need any kind of investment ever!!!
more details at-
www.jobcentreplus.gov.ukWhat are the most leading/ critical job hunting websitesin UK?
Monster.co.uk, you can even post your CV / resume on the site
路Hey, today there are many ways in which you can work from home and work online part/full time on your computer and earn extra money without being duped by frauds and scams鈥?
Online data entry,
Medical/general transcription,
write articles,
sell on eBay,
make a website,
take surveys..
and much much more..and all of these options do not need any kind of investment ever!!!
more details at-
Where does Holden talk about his red hunting hat??
I need to know when Holden talks about his red hunting hat and how hes self-conscious about it.. while at the same time being an individual..
Please help!!!! :/Where does Holden talk about his red hunting hat??
check out http://www.enotes.com. they have a really good Catcher in the Rye study guide that should help you out :)Where does Holden talk about his red hunting hat??
i think when he gets back in the beginning and his roomate asks him about it and says he paid too much for a dumb hat
Please help!!!! :/Where does Holden talk about his red hunting hat??
check out http://www.enotes.com. they have a really good Catcher in the Rye study guide that should help you out :)Where does Holden talk about his red hunting hat??
i think when he gets back in the beginning and his roomate asks him about it and says he paid too much for a dumb hat
Can someone compare and contrast civilization vs. hunting and gathering?
thank youCan someone compare and contrast civilization vs. hunting and gathering?
increasingly complex division of labor + increasingly coercive extraction of surplus production = 'development of civilization'
little division of labor + no surplus to extract = 'traditional society'
(thing is, coercion delivers the goods)Can someone compare and contrast civilization vs. hunting and gathering?
Civilization=Cities=Buildings=Farming=Sa鈥?%26amp; Food Storage...
Hunter/Gatherers=Nomadic=Temporary Shelters=Non-Farming/Non-Bread eaters=Followers of Wild Game!
';Hunters and gatherers'; didn't have the intelligence to know that they could survive without killing and eating animals like we do in ';modern civilization';
I already passed my anthropology classes - do your own homework.
Hunting and gathering:
Those societies are egalitarian, the people don麓t have to work a lot to gather a living, don麓t develop complex division of labour and needs, and have a lot of free time (Marshall Sahlins: The Original Affluent Society,http://www.primitivism.com/original-affl鈥?/a> ). Some of them have chieftains, but not a priestly class.
The mode of distribution is kinship based reciprocity, i.e. you have to give to relatives, and they have to give back - and you have to support them and vice versa.
1st Stage of Civilization: Priest Kingship or Redistributive Feudalism
Usually city settlements centered around some kind of temple. Has a ruling class of priests who conduct religious rituals, agriculture with surplus production which is used to feed the ';unproductive'; priestly class who is concerned with astronomy and conducting rituals, a centralized bureaucracy using coercion, and the beginnings of writing.
Mode of distribution is central collection and redistribution (much like today麓s tax system which originated here). Based on religion.
2nd. Stage of Civilization (Greek Polis)
Has all of the above, but also freemen holding private property in land, enforceable sales and loan contracts with interest charged, coined money, slaves, possibility of bankrupcy an losing private property in when unable to repay debt contracts, resulting in debt bondage (which was abolished by Solon in ancient Greece), markets, democratic government (only freemen = holders of property in land could participate, not slaves, women and kids).
Based on contract law, develops criticism of gods and philosophy as a new mode of thinking (Pre-Socratics, Aristotle).
Mode of distribution is free market - freedom of contract, enforceable sales and loan contracts.
Ends with decline of Roman Empire, medieval society is feudal again.
3rd Stage of Civilization (Modern Society):
Distinguishing characteristic is free wage labour (ie people who did not hold any property were still free and could not become property of someone else like ancient slaves could). Starts autocratic, later becomes more democratic - labour parties being the distinguishing characteristic.
Has private property, freedom of contract and enforceable contract law, interest, money, competitive markets, industrialization and permament innovation, public education system (to educate ';labour supply'; - worker麓s kids, but workers breed less and less kids as contraception becomes available, leading to sub replacement fertilty in the long run just like in ancient rome - today麓s Europe).
Mode of distribution is a combination of free market (';freedom'; - there is a pressure to make money and to develop a competitive edge though, as you can probably tell) and redistribution (tax system/coercion), different combinations being possible.
Second form of modern civilization is socialism - redistribution based upon and organized coercively by a ruling ';worker麓s party';. Doesnt have free markets but centralized planning and redistribution (';command economy';), and does not produce constant innovation (rather, imports it). Has higher degree of coercion than free market system, but also higher degree of social security.
In other words, what hunters and gatherers do NOT have is:
- State and government
- freedom (of contract)
- enforceable contracts (they just exchange stuff based on reciprocity)
- interest and money
- competitive markets
- the possibility to lose your property in land (land was held collectively)
- production of surplus goods
- pressure to work more and more effectively (is created by credit system in civilization)
- ';dynamic economic development'; (permanently increasing division of labour)
- economic crises (such as credit crunch crises)
increasingly complex division of labor + increasingly coercive extraction of surplus production = 'development of civilization'
little division of labor + no surplus to extract = 'traditional society'
(thing is, coercion delivers the goods)Can someone compare and contrast civilization vs. hunting and gathering?
Civilization=Cities=Buildings=Farming=Sa鈥?%26amp; Food Storage...
Hunter/Gatherers=Nomadic=Temporary Shelters=Non-Farming/Non-Bread eaters=Followers of Wild Game!
';Hunters and gatherers'; didn't have the intelligence to know that they could survive without killing and eating animals like we do in ';modern civilization';
I already passed my anthropology classes - do your own homework.
Hunting and gathering:
Those societies are egalitarian, the people don麓t have to work a lot to gather a living, don麓t develop complex division of labour and needs, and have a lot of free time (Marshall Sahlins: The Original Affluent Society,http://www.primitivism.com/original-affl鈥?/a> ). Some of them have chieftains, but not a priestly class.
The mode of distribution is kinship based reciprocity, i.e. you have to give to relatives, and they have to give back - and you have to support them and vice versa.
1st Stage of Civilization: Priest Kingship or Redistributive Feudalism
Usually city settlements centered around some kind of temple. Has a ruling class of priests who conduct religious rituals, agriculture with surplus production which is used to feed the ';unproductive'; priestly class who is concerned with astronomy and conducting rituals, a centralized bureaucracy using coercion, and the beginnings of writing.
Mode of distribution is central collection and redistribution (much like today麓s tax system which originated here). Based on religion.
2nd. Stage of Civilization (Greek Polis)
Has all of the above, but also freemen holding private property in land, enforceable sales and loan contracts with interest charged, coined money, slaves, possibility of bankrupcy an losing private property in when unable to repay debt contracts, resulting in debt bondage (which was abolished by Solon in ancient Greece), markets, democratic government (only freemen = holders of property in land could participate, not slaves, women and kids).
Based on contract law, develops criticism of gods and philosophy as a new mode of thinking (Pre-Socratics, Aristotle).
Mode of distribution is free market - freedom of contract, enforceable sales and loan contracts.
Ends with decline of Roman Empire, medieval society is feudal again.
3rd Stage of Civilization (Modern Society):
Distinguishing characteristic is free wage labour (ie people who did not hold any property were still free and could not become property of someone else like ancient slaves could). Starts autocratic, later becomes more democratic - labour parties being the distinguishing characteristic.
Has private property, freedom of contract and enforceable contract law, interest, money, competitive markets, industrialization and permament innovation, public education system (to educate ';labour supply'; - worker麓s kids, but workers breed less and less kids as contraception becomes available, leading to sub replacement fertilty in the long run just like in ancient rome - today麓s Europe).
Mode of distribution is a combination of free market (';freedom'; - there is a pressure to make money and to develop a competitive edge though, as you can probably tell) and redistribution (tax system/coercion), different combinations being possible.
Second form of modern civilization is socialism - redistribution based upon and organized coercively by a ruling ';worker麓s party';. Doesnt have free markets but centralized planning and redistribution (';command economy';), and does not produce constant innovation (rather, imports it). Has higher degree of coercion than free market system, but also higher degree of social security.
In other words, what hunters and gatherers do NOT have is:
- State and government
- freedom (of contract)
- enforceable contracts (they just exchange stuff based on reciprocity)
- interest and money
- competitive markets
- the possibility to lose your property in land (land was held collectively)
- production of surplus goods
- pressure to work more and more effectively (is created by credit system in civilization)
- ';dynamic economic development'; (permanently increasing division of labour)
- economic crises (such as credit crunch crises)
Fox hunting - just a harmless bit of fun?
I mean, what's the problem with killing these ginger rats?Fox hunting - just a harmless bit of fun?
Yes you can kill them, it also helps the population because if the foxes ate all the food, then the rest would starve and die, and so would those who ate all the food... HUNTING IS FUN!!! GIVE IT A WHIRL!!!Fox hunting - just a harmless bit of fun?
Not for the foxes or the horses - or the farmers who's land gets trampled all over.
Lamping is a more humane way of ';pest'; control but only if done by someone who is a good shot and can dispatch of the fox with a single shot.
For all the tally hos out there who enjoy the sport there is no excuse not to take up drag hunting (where the dogs simply follow the scent of a cross country runner) get exactly the same experience without a fox having to meet his maker!!
I use hounds for coons and bobcats, why not foxes. The silver foxes we have here will tree. If you hunt anything you better stand up for all hunters. Right now it is houndsmen they are after, next it will be bowhunting. Then rifle hunters, soon after you wont be allowed to use hooks while fishing. Here in Oregon I am still aloud to run a trap line. That is after many hours of course study and testing. Even still it is heavly regulated. I only use live traps, not because I am worried about some foxes foot but because I don't like to catch hounds and such. However I would rally for any persons hunts and traditions. I think hunters need to be more united to preserve our sport. Also don't brag to peta types. For instance I see people all the time with deer in the bed of there trucks during season. Cover em up. Don't swat the beehive of liberalism. We are all ready loosing places to hunt lets not lose the right.
Fox hunting is more of a social event than a sport, It is more humane to shoot them if you are a good shot. They are vermin and if you have seen the damage they do at lambing time you would agree that they need to be destroyed. I must admit that any of the anti hunt people I have ever met never lived in the countryside and were bussed to the hunts, they were give money to go and provided with lunch, what student can pass that up(drink money)
I don't have a problem with killing them, it is just the brutal manner in which it is done.
If they were to shoot foxes that would be an entirely different matter.
As one guy said it's best to lamp them with a rifle. A .223 in the right hands is very effective.
The next task is to find and cull the cubs should you shoot the vixen.
eradicate them all, but not by hoo hah henries on horses, one got into my allotment and killed 21 ducks, and 19 chickens, total carnage, they just kill for the sake of it.
I get $35 for their hide so yes it is fun that pays for its self.
it pays for its self, its a blast, and its not for cityfied people, i love it
you r so right...iv had to shoot a few for killing my chickens...they attacked my neighbors sheep..
Question obviously designed to get a reaction...
Foxes are not the flea- or germ-ridden animals that people think they are. I have worked in animal shelters and helped care for these animals after humans have got hold of them and there is certainly nothing humane or 'harmless' about fox hunting.
Fox hunting goes against every single quality which we call human... It is deliberately torturous and cruel and of absolutely no benefit to anyone...how does it help have hundreds of horses and hounds tear around the countryside, trampling woodland and farmland (and sometimes peoples' own gardens), on the search of one tiny fox so they can exhaust it and rip it shreads? seems an awful waste of money and energy to me..
Plus the pompous and arrogant attitude that these hunters have is also pathetic.
i see you don't really have a clue about animals......rats?? who gives anyone the right to play God plus OK controlling them is one thing but to kill them by dogs tearing them apart sure hey why don't we give you a wee whirl on that!!!!!! hunting is for people who are vicious and have a thirst for blood
I think that killing for fun is disgusting- I mean, look at the way the foxes are killed- its horrible.
There are so many other ways to have fun than to kill animals!!
obviously the person who decided to ask this question wanted a reaction
you just give em it !
is there any reason why you can't ask this in yahoo UK.....we do not hunt fox the same way here
Troll, yawn.
if you call that fun then you must be sick
Yes you can kill them, it also helps the population because if the foxes ate all the food, then the rest would starve and die, and so would those who ate all the food... HUNTING IS FUN!!! GIVE IT A WHIRL!!!Fox hunting - just a harmless bit of fun?
Not for the foxes or the horses - or the farmers who's land gets trampled all over.
Lamping is a more humane way of ';pest'; control but only if done by someone who is a good shot and can dispatch of the fox with a single shot.
For all the tally hos out there who enjoy the sport there is no excuse not to take up drag hunting (where the dogs simply follow the scent of a cross country runner) get exactly the same experience without a fox having to meet his maker!!
I use hounds for coons and bobcats, why not foxes. The silver foxes we have here will tree. If you hunt anything you better stand up for all hunters. Right now it is houndsmen they are after, next it will be bowhunting. Then rifle hunters, soon after you wont be allowed to use hooks while fishing. Here in Oregon I am still aloud to run a trap line. That is after many hours of course study and testing. Even still it is heavly regulated. I only use live traps, not because I am worried about some foxes foot but because I don't like to catch hounds and such. However I would rally for any persons hunts and traditions. I think hunters need to be more united to preserve our sport. Also don't brag to peta types. For instance I see people all the time with deer in the bed of there trucks during season. Cover em up. Don't swat the beehive of liberalism. We are all ready loosing places to hunt lets not lose the right.
Fox hunting is more of a social event than a sport, It is more humane to shoot them if you are a good shot. They are vermin and if you have seen the damage they do at lambing time you would agree that they need to be destroyed. I must admit that any of the anti hunt people I have ever met never lived in the countryside and were bussed to the hunts, they were give money to go and provided with lunch, what student can pass that up(drink money)
I don't have a problem with killing them, it is just the brutal manner in which it is done.
If they were to shoot foxes that would be an entirely different matter.
As one guy said it's best to lamp them with a rifle. A .223 in the right hands is very effective.
The next task is to find and cull the cubs should you shoot the vixen.
eradicate them all, but not by hoo hah henries on horses, one got into my allotment and killed 21 ducks, and 19 chickens, total carnage, they just kill for the sake of it.
I get $35 for their hide so yes it is fun that pays for its self.
it pays for its self, its a blast, and its not for cityfied people, i love it
you r so right...iv had to shoot a few for killing my chickens...they attacked my neighbors sheep..
Question obviously designed to get a reaction...
Foxes are not the flea- or germ-ridden animals that people think they are. I have worked in animal shelters and helped care for these animals after humans have got hold of them and there is certainly nothing humane or 'harmless' about fox hunting.
Fox hunting goes against every single quality which we call human... It is deliberately torturous and cruel and of absolutely no benefit to anyone...how does it help have hundreds of horses and hounds tear around the countryside, trampling woodland and farmland (and sometimes peoples' own gardens), on the search of one tiny fox so they can exhaust it and rip it shreads? seems an awful waste of money and energy to me..
Plus the pompous and arrogant attitude that these hunters have is also pathetic.
i see you don't really have a clue about animals......rats?? who gives anyone the right to play God plus OK controlling them is one thing but to kill them by dogs tearing them apart sure hey why don't we give you a wee whirl on that!!!!!! hunting is for people who are vicious and have a thirst for blood
I think that killing for fun is disgusting- I mean, look at the way the foxes are killed- its horrible.
There are so many other ways to have fun than to kill animals!!
obviously the person who decided to ask this question wanted a reaction
you just give em it !
is there any reason why you can't ask this in yahoo UK.....we do not hunt fox the same way here
Troll, yawn.
if you call that fun then you must be sick
When hunting for a new apartment, is it OK to test the flushing capability of the toilets ?
before making a decision?When hunting for a new apartment, is it OK to test the flushing capability of the toilets ?
Tell me again...how much does your Sith weigh? And what are you feeding him...??? These are important Q'sWhen hunting for a new apartment, is it OK to test the flushing capability of the toilets ?
Since I need to test the toilet in ';real world'; conditions, I will usually flush something such as my underwear down the toilet. This simulates exactly the situations that the toilet will face if I were to move in there. If the toilet backs up, I keep on looking, if the underwear go down, then the toilet is acceptable.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Test everything that is important to you. Ask any question you want.
You have to spend your hard earned money to live in this apartment. Set your standards high.
If you pay your rent on time, you deserve to have everything the landlord promises you as you ask your initial questions.
This is going to be your home, not just an apartment.
Everything should be as you want it so you can relax when you get home from a long day. You deserve it!
All the above are great advice. While you are at it; do a drive by during the time of day or night you have not seen the apt. Different people inhabit the courtyards at different times and you want to know your neighbors before you sign on the dotted line. It is no fun to have some guy hanging out sellling something all night...
It's best to check the plumbing and electrical all around the apartment first. Flush the toilet, turn on the faucets, flick on the lights, turn on the stove, open the refrigerator.
I would recommend it, and also how long it takes the hot water to actually get hot. I would check out everything I could think of.
It's not only OK, but a darn good idea.
I prefer to test it when I hear the neighbor running the shower; if they scream, that's even more great information about the local plumbing.
Ya sure whatever helps make the decision! You wouldn't want to move into an apartment with a toilet with an annoying flush! :D
damn, you can test the water pressure that way too...never though of that I usually just excuse myself and test the shower massager.
You know my secret don't you!
I flush 3 cans of refried beans down the toilet and count how many flushes it takes to clear the bowl.
Less than 3 flushes means it's a keeper.
Yes! I always test the plumbing before determining whether or not I will rent from a place or not. I test the water pressure in the sinks and shower too!
I do that at the same time that I make sure the bathroom ventilation is up to par...
sure why not, gotta make sure EVERYTHING works right,
Hell yes! We got a place that was perfect but when we moved in the pluming didn't work and we paid a fortune to get it fixed! Test everything!!!
That's totally okay.
You would want a working toilet when you moved in, would you?
So, yes, it's OK. :)
I do the same as Revenginator, only I flush a 7 pound slab of salami.
Things like that are very important...
always. You need to know how efficient it will be for flushing evidence.
Sure, whatever floats your boat :]
I think that would be a very wise thing to do. And check out the thickness of the walls as well. ;-)
i think it's important that you do.make up lipstick
Tell me again...how much does your Sith weigh? And what are you feeding him...??? These are important Q'sWhen hunting for a new apartment, is it OK to test the flushing capability of the toilets ?
Since I need to test the toilet in ';real world'; conditions, I will usually flush something such as my underwear down the toilet. This simulates exactly the situations that the toilet will face if I were to move in there. If the toilet backs up, I keep on looking, if the underwear go down, then the toilet is acceptable.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Test everything that is important to you. Ask any question you want.
You have to spend your hard earned money to live in this apartment. Set your standards high.
If you pay your rent on time, you deserve to have everything the landlord promises you as you ask your initial questions.
This is going to be your home, not just an apartment.
Everything should be as you want it so you can relax when you get home from a long day. You deserve it!
All the above are great advice. While you are at it; do a drive by during the time of day or night you have not seen the apt. Different people inhabit the courtyards at different times and you want to know your neighbors before you sign on the dotted line. It is no fun to have some guy hanging out sellling something all night...
It's best to check the plumbing and electrical all around the apartment first. Flush the toilet, turn on the faucets, flick on the lights, turn on the stove, open the refrigerator.
I would recommend it, and also how long it takes the hot water to actually get hot. I would check out everything I could think of.
It's not only OK, but a darn good idea.
I prefer to test it when I hear the neighbor running the shower; if they scream, that's even more great information about the local plumbing.
Ya sure whatever helps make the decision! You wouldn't want to move into an apartment with a toilet with an annoying flush! :D
damn, you can test the water pressure that way too...never though of that I usually just excuse myself and test the shower massager.
You know my secret don't you!
I flush 3 cans of refried beans down the toilet and count how many flushes it takes to clear the bowl.
Less than 3 flushes means it's a keeper.
Yes! I always test the plumbing before determining whether or not I will rent from a place or not. I test the water pressure in the sinks and shower too!
I do that at the same time that I make sure the bathroom ventilation is up to par...
sure why not, gotta make sure EVERYTHING works right,
Hell yes! We got a place that was perfect but when we moved in the pluming didn't work and we paid a fortune to get it fixed! Test everything!!!
That's totally okay.
You would want a working toilet when you moved in, would you?
So, yes, it's OK. :)
I do the same as Revenginator, only I flush a 7 pound slab of salami.
Things like that are very important...
always. You need to know how efficient it will be for flushing evidence.
Sure, whatever floats your boat :]
I think that would be a very wise thing to do. And check out the thickness of the walls as well. ;-)
i think it's important that you do.
What gun should i use for cayote hunting.?
I'm not sure what a cayote is, but you need to check your local area to find out what the law is. There are so many different regulations that it is impossible to answer a generic question.
You should go to the local hunters gun store and find out what you need for the animal you are hunting.
Here is a list of firearms groups that can help you.
You should go to the local hunters gun store and find out what you need for the animal you are hunting.
Here is a list of firearms groups that can help you.
What is a good range for my rifle to be set at for deer hunting in kansas, open fields, i have a 7mm?
would 100 yards work or should i set it at 200 and then work off that what would be best, i know under the right conditions it will shoot 500+ easy but i wont need that range unless i go elk huntingWhat is a good range for my rifle to be set at for deer hunting in kansas, open fields, i have a 7mm?
It's important to look up the ballistics chart for the exact manufacturer and bullet you will be hunting with. I shoot Remington 7mm mag accutip 150 gr sierra boattails. At 200 yrds I'm hitting 2.5'; high which puts me dead nuts at 250. A normal range for open country Mule Deer hunting.What is a good range for my rifle to be set at for deer hunting in kansas, open fields, i have a 7mm?
Setting for 200 yards for a hunting rifle is normally the best option. You will be almost 2 inches high at 100 yards, but that isn't going to impact the actual effectiveness of your shot placement. I've had shots form 30 feet to near 400 yards (hunting in Idaho,various terrain), and having that 200 yard ZERO means 300 yard shots are minor adjustments and even near 400 it is easy enough to hold over slightly. Even with a magnum cartridge( I have a 300 WSM also) you don't have a bolt of lightning past 400 yards,so ALWAYS TRY to stay within that range. A 7mm Mag is nearly an exact match for 30-06 for velocities with same weight bullets--only advantage is the BC and sectional densities slightly favor the 7 Mag in some regards.
If you have a 7x57 Mauser, then your range is less.
That would depend on the cartridge your rifle is chambered for, and the load you're using, as well as the game you're hunting.
I'd like to point out, for what seems like the jillionth time, that saying ';7 mm'; really isn't saying anything at all. There are a large number of cartridges in that bore size. But as a hint towards what you're asking about, one of my favorite deer-hunting rifles is in 7x57 Mauser, and the load I normally use is zeroed at maximum point blank range for that cartridge, load, and purpose: 235 yards. If you have something flatter shooting, you can extend that a bit. I find most folks are surprised at how far MPBR is for what seems a rather mild cartridge, if they ever bother to figure it out.
Most good rifleman set their scope for 200yds if they shoot 100-300yds normally unless you have a fancy BDC scope. You can also range your scope at 100-500yds and write the clicks on tape of your stock if you have a range finder or mildot system or range system in your scope.
set it for 200 yrds, and you find one closer or farther. you can set it on the fly.... most scopes adjust 1/4 MOA.. which means minute of angle.. 1 minute is 1'' at 100yrds. so 1/4MOA is 1/4'' @ 100 yrds....
200yrds is 2'' and 300yrds is 3''.. so on and so forth...
if this makes sense and you know the exact distance of the animal.. you can make a shot at any distance. cold bore! lol
farm land and creek bottoms,,we hunted bean fields at cherry vale se,ks,,,,every miles a road in blocks,, drainage in center ceders an bois d arc called hedges,, visability in drainage 2 ft,,deer worked edge of brush always 400- 500 plus, only cover ,, truck ,,bar ditches,, didnt take spotting scope an watched some big ones running does,,just out of range,, shot preventer was 14 inches of snow,, ended up building snow blind an taking good buck ,,most other weed grown fields 200 yrd fine,,
10O is best for places in the east where its all woods and wont have to take a shot over 300 ... i would set it for 200 and thats the best for your situation
Open country, 200 yards. Get the charts for your exact ammo and make a little 'cheat sheet' for 100, 300 and 400. I usually tape my sheet on my scope cover.
HUNTING SUCKS!!! Ever heard of the saying ';Do onto others as you would have them do on to you';??
200 250 should be plenty i took one out in kansas last year at 300 though
Zero it for 200 yards.
It's important to look up the ballistics chart for the exact manufacturer and bullet you will be hunting with. I shoot Remington 7mm mag accutip 150 gr sierra boattails. At 200 yrds I'm hitting 2.5'; high which puts me dead nuts at 250. A normal range for open country Mule Deer hunting.What is a good range for my rifle to be set at for deer hunting in kansas, open fields, i have a 7mm?
Setting for 200 yards for a hunting rifle is normally the best option. You will be almost 2 inches high at 100 yards, but that isn't going to impact the actual effectiveness of your shot placement. I've had shots form 30 feet to near 400 yards (hunting in Idaho,various terrain), and having that 200 yard ZERO means 300 yard shots are minor adjustments and even near 400 it is easy enough to hold over slightly. Even with a magnum cartridge( I have a 300 WSM also) you don't have a bolt of lightning past 400 yards,so ALWAYS TRY to stay within that range. A 7mm Mag is nearly an exact match for 30-06 for velocities with same weight bullets--only advantage is the BC and sectional densities slightly favor the 7 Mag in some regards.
If you have a 7x57 Mauser, then your range is less.
That would depend on the cartridge your rifle is chambered for, and the load you're using, as well as the game you're hunting.
I'd like to point out, for what seems like the jillionth time, that saying ';7 mm'; really isn't saying anything at all. There are a large number of cartridges in that bore size. But as a hint towards what you're asking about, one of my favorite deer-hunting rifles is in 7x57 Mauser, and the load I normally use is zeroed at maximum point blank range for that cartridge, load, and purpose: 235 yards. If you have something flatter shooting, you can extend that a bit. I find most folks are surprised at how far MPBR is for what seems a rather mild cartridge, if they ever bother to figure it out.
Most good rifleman set their scope for 200yds if they shoot 100-300yds normally unless you have a fancy BDC scope. You can also range your scope at 100-500yds and write the clicks on tape of your stock if you have a range finder or mildot system or range system in your scope.
set it for 200 yrds, and you find one closer or farther. you can set it on the fly.... most scopes adjust 1/4 MOA.. which means minute of angle.. 1 minute is 1'' at 100yrds. so 1/4MOA is 1/4'' @ 100 yrds....
200yrds is 2'' and 300yrds is 3''.. so on and so forth...
if this makes sense and you know the exact distance of the animal.. you can make a shot at any distance. cold bore! lol
farm land and creek bottoms,,we hunted bean fields at cherry vale se,ks,,,,every miles a road in blocks,, drainage in center ceders an bois d arc called hedges,, visability in drainage 2 ft,,deer worked edge of brush always 400- 500 plus, only cover ,, truck ,,bar ditches,, didnt take spotting scope an watched some big ones running does,,just out of range,, shot preventer was 14 inches of snow,, ended up building snow blind an taking good buck ,,most other weed grown fields 200 yrd fine,,
10O is best for places in the east where its all woods and wont have to take a shot over 300 ... i would set it for 200 and thats the best for your situation
Open country, 200 yards. Get the charts for your exact ammo and make a little 'cheat sheet' for 100, 300 and 400. I usually tape my sheet on my scope cover.
HUNTING SUCKS!!! Ever heard of the saying ';Do onto others as you would have them do on to you';??
200 250 should be plenty i took one out in kansas last year at 300 though
Zero it for 200 yards.
Is Hunting Allowed in Canada (Toronto Area) for a Visitor.?
I would like to know if one is on a visit to Canada in August. Can he do Legal Hunting, if YES then what are the formalaties %26amp; what can one Hunt.Is Hunting Allowed in Canada (Toronto Area) for a Visitor.?
Possible. Not from Ontario so I don't know their laws though.
www.canadiangunnutz.comIs Hunting Allowed in Canada (Toronto Area) for a Visitor.?
You would have to get a non-residents hunting licence, which can set you back a bit, but I wouldn't do it, they is very little in open season in August. If you decide you really want to try it, then go to the links provided above just to be 100% sure.
Hunting seasons won't open up until the fall unless you are hunting privatly owned game. $$$$$$$
On the other hand late season fishing is good in Ontario. if you like fly fishing souther ontario is rife with more guides and rivers than you can shke a long whippy stick at. Northern otarion still has good pike and bass and muskie and trout.
You are only allowed to hunt vegetables in Canada as a visitor. They don't like foreigners coming over and killing their animals.
Hunting season isn't open in August so I would be to concerned about hunting when you get here
Possible. Not from Ontario so I don't know their laws though.
www.canadiangunnutz.comIs Hunting Allowed in Canada (Toronto Area) for a Visitor.?
You would have to get a non-residents hunting licence, which can set you back a bit, but I wouldn't do it, they is very little in open season in August. If you decide you really want to try it, then go to the links provided above just to be 100% sure.
Hunting seasons won't open up until the fall unless you are hunting privatly owned game. $$$$$$$
On the other hand late season fishing is good in Ontario. if you like fly fishing souther ontario is rife with more guides and rivers than you can shke a long whippy stick at. Northern otarion still has good pike and bass and muskie and trout.
You are only allowed to hunt vegetables in Canada as a visitor. They don't like foreigners coming over and killing their animals.
Hunting season isn't open in August so I would be to concerned about hunting when you get here
Do you think a real ';Elite Hunting'; organization, as seen in Hostel, exists?
Just watched Hostel again and the thought came to mind. Do you think there are actual underground organizations that conduct murder-for-profit business?
If so, one would wonder how they would get contacts for that sort of thing.
Discuss.Do you think a real ';Elite Hunting'; organization, as seen in Hostel, exists?
Personally, I believe they exist. I saw some interesting happenings while traveling and living in Europe (not that ran across anything like Hostel).
I was going to paste some information, but I found a GREAT website that has links to crime organizations and associations. http://www.karisable.com/crorg.htm
';Several hints in Hostel support Elite Hunting's ties to Russian organized crime, specifically their business card, which contains the email address blatanikov@gang.rus, linking it to a Russian web domain (although in reality this domain zone does not exist, and Russian sites use .ru domains instead). Hostel: Part II however shows several organization members speaking Slovak, hinting at the organization's alleged local origins but also highlighting the members' inherent multilingualism from operating in Slovakia. Furthermore, the Russian Mafia is known to have several offshoots in Eastern Europe.';Do you think a real ';Elite Hunting'; organization, as seen in Hostel, exists?
Elite Hunting in itself is a fictional organization. However, organizations of this caliber do exist throughout the world. Many times. victims are of impoverished areas. However, there are occurrences when travelers or tramps of various non-third world countries are caught in the same ';game.';
This also goes hand in hand with grotesque entertainment such as snuff videos (which have been defined ';in theory'; as an urban legend - but who really wants to know the truth, right?), gang bangs and, of course, the complex system of human trafficking.
I believe they do as well. However, I doubt they exist in Europe, and if they do, they'd have to be in the poorest parts of Europe.
Thailand is where I think the stuff like in Hostel happens. That country is really messed, up dude. They have places where children are assaulted for cash. One organization is particular was featured on MSNBC awhile ago. It was very eye opening to say the least. Disgusting stuff, no doubt.
Anyway, Eli Roth mentioned hearing about a place in Thailand where people could pay to walk into a room and shoot someone in the head for money.
Hope I helped you!
If so, one would wonder how they would get contacts for that sort of thing.
Discuss.Do you think a real ';Elite Hunting'; organization, as seen in Hostel, exists?
Personally, I believe they exist. I saw some interesting happenings while traveling and living in Europe (not that ran across anything like Hostel).
I was going to paste some information, but I found a GREAT website that has links to crime organizations and associations. http://www.karisable.com/crorg.htm
';Several hints in Hostel support Elite Hunting's ties to Russian organized crime, specifically their business card, which contains the email address blatanikov@gang.rus, linking it to a Russian web domain (although in reality this domain zone does not exist, and Russian sites use .ru domains instead). Hostel: Part II however shows several organization members speaking Slovak, hinting at the organization's alleged local origins but also highlighting the members' inherent multilingualism from operating in Slovakia. Furthermore, the Russian Mafia is known to have several offshoots in Eastern Europe.';Do you think a real ';Elite Hunting'; organization, as seen in Hostel, exists?
Elite Hunting in itself is a fictional organization. However, organizations of this caliber do exist throughout the world. Many times. victims are of impoverished areas. However, there are occurrences when travelers or tramps of various non-third world countries are caught in the same ';game.';
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This also goes hand in hand with grotesque entertainment such as snuff videos (which have been defined ';in theory'; as an urban legend - but who really wants to know the truth, right?), gang bangs and, of course, the complex system of human trafficking.
Report Abuse
I believe they do as well. However, I doubt they exist in Europe, and if they do, they'd have to be in the poorest parts of Europe.
Thailand is where I think the stuff like in Hostel happens. That country is really messed, up dude. They have places where children are assaulted for cash. One organization is particular was featured on MSNBC awhile ago. It was very eye opening to say the least. Disgusting stuff, no doubt.
Anyway, Eli Roth mentioned hearing about a place in Thailand where people could pay to walk into a room and shoot someone in the head for money.
Hope I helped you!
Is a Chinese SKS 7.62 X 39 mm a legal deer hunting rifle?
I'm seriously considering buying one due to it's cheap price and I've read a lot about it's durability. If anybody could tell me if it would be a legal deer hunting rifle and if you have any input, please reply. Is a Chinese SKS 7.62 X 39 mm a legal deer hunting rifle?
i am a law enforcement officer in alabama. i have an sks and i use it deer hunting. just make sure that u don't have more than 5 rounds in it.Is a Chinese SKS 7.62 X 39 mm a legal deer hunting rifle?
If you are a LEO in Alabama please check up on the law. I talked with the Dept of Wildlife and Fresh Water Fish yesterday. They told me the law had been changed since so many guns carry 10 round clips. The law now states 10 in the clip and 1 in the chamber on public land. No limit on private land
Yes..... you just need to replace the standard magazine with a 5 round magazine.
Costs like 10 bucks from cheaperthandirt.com....
SKS is decent. Don't reach out beyond about 150 yards though.... the cartridge fails you after that distance, for hunting purposes.
Also, if the rifle is not accurate enough, you have even less effective range.
So, it is legal with a minor modification, and you have to accept the abilities of the rifle, the cartridge, and yourself.
Yes.... Under certain conditions.... Not all counties in all states allow a semi-auto rifle for deer hunting..... In the areas that a semi-auto is allowed the magazine must not have a capacity of more then 5 rounds / cartridges.... In my area an SKS rifle is perfectly legal as long as its set up not to accept more than 5 cartridges.....
The 7.62X39MM cartridge is well suited for deer under a few conditions.... This cartridge has the required 1000 foot pounds of force for white tail deer to 150 yards.... You must only use soft point bullets... The FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) bullets commonly purchased in bulk for the SKS rifle may not cleany, humanely and quickly kill a deer... It likely will run off and die a slow painful death using FMJ if the shot placement isnt correct....
The SKS is an excellent deer rifle too 100 yards using open iron sights... Although the 7.62x39MM is fine for shots to 150 yards the rifles accuracy may not be up to the task.... You may be tempted to install a scope... This might sound like a great idea but in my experience this presents another problem.... I and none of my friends that own the SKS rifle have been able to keep a scope dialed in and on the money.... The scope mounts work loose and loose accuracy fast.... If you really want to use a scope on an SKS just be sure you buy a quality scope mount and search the net for decent info from other successful users on how to get these mounts/scopes on and to stay put......
Stick with the above info and the SKS can be a real good deer rifle... I have hunted deer with an SKS and have been successful taking deer under 100 yards - use soft point ammo.....
You didnt mention much about the chinese rifle... Have you bought it yet??? My advice about those is only use one in decent condition... Dont buy one of these beat up, worn out and in my opinion dangerous rifles.... Purchase one in new, almost new or refurbished to almost new condition......
Check these SKS rifles out....
I live in Virginia and I own an SKS 7.62 X 39 mm everything is original on the gun. I've used it some several times to deer hunt and it seems to be a great cheap riffle for Deer. My buddy also use's one and he has a scope on his SKS and its very accurate at a long distance. I hope this has helped!
depends where you live? People use them here in Oregon but they do something to the clip so it can only hold X ammount. I quit rifle hunting for bow hunting some years back but that is how it was. don't use fmj's get hollow points
Be sure to check the regs for the state(s) you're hunting in, semi-autos are banned in some.
100% legal so long as you only carry 5 rounds.
Yeah, just make sure you get 5 round magazine swap. Great out to 150 yrds.
ys it is as long as it a center fire, too make sure you got only 5 round in the rifle
i am a law enforcement officer in alabama. i have an sks and i use it deer hunting. just make sure that u don't have more than 5 rounds in it.Is a Chinese SKS 7.62 X 39 mm a legal deer hunting rifle?
If you are a LEO in Alabama please check up on the law. I talked with the Dept of Wildlife and Fresh Water Fish yesterday. They told me the law had been changed since so many guns carry 10 round clips. The law now states 10 in the clip and 1 in the chamber on public land. No limit on private land
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Yes..... you just need to replace the standard magazine with a 5 round magazine.
Costs like 10 bucks from cheaperthandirt.com....
SKS is decent. Don't reach out beyond about 150 yards though.... the cartridge fails you after that distance, for hunting purposes.
Also, if the rifle is not accurate enough, you have even less effective range.
So, it is legal with a minor modification, and you have to accept the abilities of the rifle, the cartridge, and yourself.
Yes.... Under certain conditions.... Not all counties in all states allow a semi-auto rifle for deer hunting..... In the areas that a semi-auto is allowed the magazine must not have a capacity of more then 5 rounds / cartridges.... In my area an SKS rifle is perfectly legal as long as its set up not to accept more than 5 cartridges.....
The 7.62X39MM cartridge is well suited for deer under a few conditions.... This cartridge has the required 1000 foot pounds of force for white tail deer to 150 yards.... You must only use soft point bullets... The FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) bullets commonly purchased in bulk for the SKS rifle may not cleany, humanely and quickly kill a deer... It likely will run off and die a slow painful death using FMJ if the shot placement isnt correct....
The SKS is an excellent deer rifle too 100 yards using open iron sights... Although the 7.62x39MM is fine for shots to 150 yards the rifles accuracy may not be up to the task.... You may be tempted to install a scope... This might sound like a great idea but in my experience this presents another problem.... I and none of my friends that own the SKS rifle have been able to keep a scope dialed in and on the money.... The scope mounts work loose and loose accuracy fast.... If you really want to use a scope on an SKS just be sure you buy a quality scope mount and search the net for decent info from other successful users on how to get these mounts/scopes on and to stay put......
Stick with the above info and the SKS can be a real good deer rifle... I have hunted deer with an SKS and have been successful taking deer under 100 yards - use soft point ammo.....
You didnt mention much about the chinese rifle... Have you bought it yet??? My advice about those is only use one in decent condition... Dont buy one of these beat up, worn out and in my opinion dangerous rifles.... Purchase one in new, almost new or refurbished to almost new condition......
Check these SKS rifles out....
I live in Virginia and I own an SKS 7.62 X 39 mm everything is original on the gun. I've used it some several times to deer hunt and it seems to be a great cheap riffle for Deer. My buddy also use's one and he has a scope on his SKS and its very accurate at a long distance. I hope this has helped!
depends where you live? People use them here in Oregon but they do something to the clip so it can only hold X ammount. I quit rifle hunting for bow hunting some years back but that is how it was. don't use fmj's get hollow points
Be sure to check the regs for the state(s) you're hunting in, semi-autos are banned in some.
100% legal so long as you only carry 5 rounds.
Yeah, just make sure you get 5 round magazine swap. Great out to 150 yrds.
ys it is as long as it a center fire, too make sure you got only 5 round in the rifle
How did the ban on hunting with hounds become law?
how did it begin, how and when was it implemented?
thanks! :DHow did the ban on hunting with hounds become law?
The hounds would catch the prey %26amp; tear it apart... not very sportingHow did the ban on hunting with hounds become law?
We expected Hunts to fail, hounds to be put down, and our world to turn upside down. ... Did the British Parliament Really Ban Hunting? ... NOW that the Hunting Act has become law, the anti-hunt spin-doctors' next victim ismake up lipstick
thanks! :DHow did the ban on hunting with hounds become law?
The hounds would catch the prey %26amp; tear it apart... not very sportingHow did the ban on hunting with hounds become law?
We expected Hunts to fail, hounds to be put down, and our world to turn upside down. ... Did the British Parliament Really Ban Hunting? ... NOW that the Hunting Act has become law, the anti-hunt spin-doctors' next victim is
Men: Do you enjoy & prefer hunting the woman you love or the approachable woman?
i heard that the man enjoy hunting the woman he love or like bec she has confidence in herself and not easy to be approached....they respect her more than the easy woman and they want a long relationship with her bec she's special ......what do you think guys???Men: Do you enjoy %26amp; prefer hunting the woman you love or the approachable woman?
Most men I know DON'T play games and would rather if you were approachable. I don't know what stupid womens mag started the crap about us liking to hunt the woman but its a sack of crap.Men: Do you enjoy %26amp; prefer hunting the woman you love or the approachable woman?
That sounds like something from a romance novel, and I think it's naive at best.
Some people, men and women, enjoy ';hunting';, or feeling ';chased';, and some don't. Some people, men and women, want long-term relationships and some don't.
People who enjoy the hunt/chase tend not to sustain long-term relationships, for obvious reasons. People who have healthy self-confidence tend to be approachable, but not ';easy';. If you want to meet a man who is looking for a long-term relationship, your odds increase greatly by being approachable.
Approachable!!...If a woman seems unapproachable..my default emotion towards her is anger,not love. I would rather be with the easy one because if she is that attractive/confident I would forever be competing with other guys for her attention=and be paranoid that she would leave me.
they love hunting not the approachable (I am not a man but I got experience)
Answer mine
A mature man who has his eye on a particular woman is not going to waste time playing games.
it depends but every1 like to achieve things that are difficult, it is for sure we like gals with confidence and attitude.....
i will like a life partner who can walk with me in life...
Most men I know DON'T play games and would rather if you were approachable. I don't know what stupid womens mag started the crap about us liking to hunt the woman but its a sack of crap.Men: Do you enjoy %26amp; prefer hunting the woman you love or the approachable woman?
That sounds like something from a romance novel, and I think it's naive at best.
Some people, men and women, enjoy ';hunting';, or feeling ';chased';, and some don't. Some people, men and women, want long-term relationships and some don't.
People who enjoy the hunt/chase tend not to sustain long-term relationships, for obvious reasons. People who have healthy self-confidence tend to be approachable, but not ';easy';. If you want to meet a man who is looking for a long-term relationship, your odds increase greatly by being approachable.
Approachable!!...If a woman seems unapproachable..my default emotion towards her is anger,not love. I would rather be with the easy one because if she is that attractive/confident I would forever be competing with other guys for her attention=and be paranoid that she would leave me.
they love hunting not the approachable (I am not a man but I got experience)
Answer mine
A mature man who has his eye on a particular woman is not going to waste time playing games.
it depends but every1 like to achieve things that are difficult, it is for sure we like gals with confidence and attitude.....
i will like a life partner who can walk with me in life...
I want to hunt Coyote's in South West MN, these are shootgun deer hunting zones.?
Can you hunt preditors in these zones with a high powered rifle? 243 Win?I want to hunt Coyote's in South West MN, these are shootgun deer hunting zones.?
you will need to check with your local DNR office or game and parks commissionI want to hunt Coyote's in South West MN, these are shootgun deer hunting zones.?
While I find my self in disagreement with Sniper on many things. He is right on on this question.
You are going to need to check with your DNR and local game warden. They will give you the information you need.
You will need to check the applicable game laws in Minnisota. A copy should be available in sporting goods stores or from DRN.
you will need to check with your local DNR office or game and parks commissionI want to hunt Coyote's in South West MN, these are shootgun deer hunting zones.?
While I find my self in disagreement with Sniper on many things. He is right on on this question.
You are going to need to check with your DNR and local game warden. They will give you the information you need.
You will need to check the applicable game laws in Minnisota. A copy should be available in sporting goods stores or from DRN.
Best broadhead to go elk hunting with my set up.?
I have a diamond justice set at 60 lbs. and shooting Easton FMJ arrows(400) what would be the best broadhead to get a complete pass threw onBest broadhead to go elk hunting with my set up.?
Actually for your bow I disagree with the first guy. Although fixed blades are ideal for traditional bowhunting and 'smaller' game, your going to need to put a bigger hole in an elk. I used a Wasp one time to take a whitetail from a compound (I usually use a longbow) and it made a big hole, found the buck only 25 yards away from where I shot it. It left a massive hole, so I don't use them for whitetail, but I imagine for elk, it would be just the ticket.Best broadhead to go elk hunting with my set up.?
I would first see what the state allows for broad head requirements. Some state do not allow mechanical broad head others just have a minimum cutting requirement whether opened or closed.
I would use the best broad head to give me the best flight and accuracy with the maximum cutting area for the type of game I'm hunting. With these flight requirement, you just have to figure the weight of the broad head you need to accomplish this.
The heavier weighted heads will give you the best penetration for big game. A cutting area greater than 1 1/2 inches would be ideal.
Any one of these will not let you down if you do your part and make an accurate shot. Magnus Stinger- in the 2 blade model. - Muzzy broadhead- Nap Thunderhead- or a slick trick. Don't let anyone talk you into using a Rage mechanical- ( personal experience talking here)
Good luck on your hunt!
I would go with a fixed blade broadhead. Stay away from the mechanicals. Any 1 1/2'; - 1 3/4'; blade will work just fine. Just stay away from that shoulder blade.
Actually for your bow I disagree with the first guy. Although fixed blades are ideal for traditional bowhunting and 'smaller' game, your going to need to put a bigger hole in an elk. I used a Wasp one time to take a whitetail from a compound (I usually use a longbow) and it made a big hole, found the buck only 25 yards away from where I shot it. It left a massive hole, so I don't use them for whitetail, but I imagine for elk, it would be just the ticket.Best broadhead to go elk hunting with my set up.?
I would first see what the state allows for broad head requirements. Some state do not allow mechanical broad head others just have a minimum cutting requirement whether opened or closed.
I would use the best broad head to give me the best flight and accuracy with the maximum cutting area for the type of game I'm hunting. With these flight requirement, you just have to figure the weight of the broad head you need to accomplish this.
The heavier weighted heads will give you the best penetration for big game. A cutting area greater than 1 1/2 inches would be ideal.
Any one of these will not let you down if you do your part and make an accurate shot. Magnus Stinger- in the 2 blade model. - Muzzy broadhead- Nap Thunderhead- or a slick trick. Don't let anyone talk you into using a Rage mechanical- ( personal experience talking here)
Good luck on your hunt!
I would go with a fixed blade broadhead. Stay away from the mechanicals. Any 1 1/2'; - 1 3/4'; blade will work just fine. Just stay away from that shoulder blade.
I's a Remington 870 with a 26' barrel a good duck hunting shotgun.?
If not ,what about a mossberg 835 with a 28' barrel.I's a Remington 870 with a 26' barrel a good duck hunting shotgun.?
Absolutely! There are probably more 870's out there than any other shotgun. As per barrel length, the minimum required for maximum velocity is roughly 25 inches. Anything over that is all about balance and looks. At 26 inches (or any length over that), it's up to the choke to widen or compress your shot column.
Good luck and good hunting!I's a Remington 870 with a 26' barrel a good duck hunting shotgun.?
Check out the new Remington Nitromag M887. I just bought one and I love it!!! The whole thing is completely rustproof and perfect for duck hunting.
As far as pump shotguns go I think the Remington 870 is the best.The Remington 870 is not a wall hanger or a shotgun you brag about having but it has put a lot of meat on the table.I prefer a Remington 870 over a mossberg 500 or a mossberg 835.
870 with a full choke yes or a 30'; full choke if you can get it....However,if you are shooting close in or a pond a mod or IC may do ya....
I suspect the old 870 has brought down more ducks than you or I will eat in a couple lifetimes. It's a good shotgun for duck.
Absolutely! There are probably more 870's out there than any other shotgun. As per barrel length, the minimum required for maximum velocity is roughly 25 inches. Anything over that is all about balance and looks. At 26 inches (or any length over that), it's up to the choke to widen or compress your shot column.
Good luck and good hunting!I's a Remington 870 with a 26' barrel a good duck hunting shotgun.?
Check out the new Remington Nitromag M887. I just bought one and I love it!!! The whole thing is completely rustproof and perfect for duck hunting.
As far as pump shotguns go I think the Remington 870 is the best.The Remington 870 is not a wall hanger or a shotgun you brag about having but it has put a lot of meat on the table.I prefer a Remington 870 over a mossberg 500 or a mossberg 835.
870 with a full choke yes or a 30'; full choke if you can get it....However,if you are shooting close in or a pond a mod or IC may do ya....
I suspect the old 870 has brought down more ducks than you or I will eat in a couple lifetimes. It's a good shotgun for duck.
What do you carry in your back pack when you are coyote hunting?
a live chicken and twine i keep my calls and knives at my beltWhat do you carry in your back pack when you are coyote hunting?
I don't carry a pack for this. I just go out and if they are in the field, I get them, if not, then I just go home.What do you carry in your back pack when you are coyote hunting?
I coyote hunt with a camera but I do a lot of walking from stand to stand. What I take is:
extra clothing just in case I am out when the weather turns nasty or colder
Some food just in case (not much, just enough for a quick meal)
Leash for my stupid mutt who thinks coyotes are just more friendly doggies to meet
Sometimes I take some camo cloth for making a blind.
Batteries or extras for any electronic gadgets I may be using.
That pretty much covers it.
Dead coyotes.
Flashlight -knife-gun-and a book on how to capture a coyote.make up lipstick
I don't carry a pack for this. I just go out and if they are in the field, I get them, if not, then I just go home.What do you carry in your back pack when you are coyote hunting?
I coyote hunt with a camera but I do a lot of walking from stand to stand. What I take is:
extra clothing just in case I am out when the weather turns nasty or colder
Some food just in case (not much, just enough for a quick meal)
Leash for my stupid mutt who thinks coyotes are just more friendly doggies to meet
Sometimes I take some camo cloth for making a blind.
Batteries or extras for any electronic gadgets I may be using.
That pretty much covers it.
Dead coyotes.
Flashlight -knife-gun-and a book on how to capture a coyote.
Projectile weight for a .222 Hunting Rabbit and Fox?
I have a Tikka .222 Which I want to use for Rabbit and Fox hunting. What Weight projectile should i use? I am a hand loader.Projectile weight for a .222 Hunting Rabbit and Fox?
I have shot a lot of small game with .222, and I don't think it is going to matter much because you're going to be blowing them in half. If you're hunting for skins I wouldn't recommend it. A high speed light bullet might even turn a rabbit to pink mist. You are in for some fun experimentation. You might first try a heavier and much slower bullet. Have fun.Projectile weight for a .222 Hunting Rabbit and Fox?
Your rifle will have to answer this question for you. Not all rifle barrels perform the same so you will have experiment with several to find out what your particular firearm shots most accurately, my .223 likes 55 grain match loads the best. A lot of the lighter rounds I tried were just to inconsistent so I just kept trying different loads til I came up with the one that worked best for me so you will just have to try several combination's of bullets and powders, since you reload you should be able to work up something that shoots relatively accurate and consistent in your particular rifle
AS light as you can find....I think about 38-40 grains works well.
Rabbit %26amp; Fox? - 45-55 Gr. is optimal.
Use the 50 grain Pointed Soft Point works best.*
I have shot a lot of small game with .222, and I don't think it is going to matter much because you're going to be blowing them in half. If you're hunting for skins I wouldn't recommend it. A high speed light bullet might even turn a rabbit to pink mist. You are in for some fun experimentation. You might first try a heavier and much slower bullet. Have fun.Projectile weight for a .222 Hunting Rabbit and Fox?
Your rifle will have to answer this question for you. Not all rifle barrels perform the same so you will have experiment with several to find out what your particular firearm shots most accurately, my .223 likes 55 grain match loads the best. A lot of the lighter rounds I tried were just to inconsistent so I just kept trying different loads til I came up with the one that worked best for me so you will just have to try several combination's of bullets and powders, since you reload you should be able to work up something that shoots relatively accurate and consistent in your particular rifle
AS light as you can find....I think about 38-40 grains works well.
Rabbit %26amp; Fox? - 45-55 Gr. is optimal.
Use the 50 grain Pointed Soft Point works best.*
Are you for or against hunting, and why?
I am writing an essay on hunting, and I need to know what people think about it. If you Re for it, please tell me why you like it, but if you are against it, tell me why yo don't like it. Thanks.Are you for or against hunting, and why?
Another ';essay for school'; - how lame! If it upsets liberals or PETA then I'm all for it, no matter what it is.Are you for or against hunting, and why?
I am for hunting. Not only is it a means of food for some but also a very effective method of controlling the herds through sport hunting. Now with the Chronic Wasting Disease, CWD that effects many deer in the central Wisconsin areas, hunting controls allow more deer to be harvested from these effected areas by issuing additional tags so the sportsmen can shoot more deer. This helps reduce the spread of the disease by thinning out the herds for a more healthy deer population. Also the sport hunter can donate any deer that he takes legally and donate it to food pantries for the homeless or needy. The Department of Natural Resources in Wisconsin can be proud of its efforts to maintain their herds and with continuous monitoring help the deer population become strong and healthy.
* Hunting is a tradition beginning with the Cave men and progressing to even now in the year 2009.* Only 15% of the People in America actually Hunt, and Harvest Game.* 75% of the People in the U.S. Support, and are in favor of Hunting.* Only 10% of the People in America disagree, and are not in favor of Hunting.* '; Hunting is Fun and Enjoyable; Killing is neither Fun or Enjoyable.';.. No True Hunters derives any Pleasure, or Satisfaction from just the Killing Alone of any of the Animals that He Hunts for and Harvests for Food, Recreation, and Sport for Himself, Family, Friends, and Fellow Hunters.*... Wildlife is a Natural Renewable Resource put on this Earth to be Harvested for Food, Recreation, and Sport, as well as to observe them alive, and living within their natural environment.* '; True Hunters have a deep, abiding Love, and Compassion for the Animals that they Hunt, Pursue, and Harvest, as well as for the Great Outdoors.*
I hunt for the thrill of the chase and if I bag a Deer or Bear that is better too. Last year I had a little one come up and rub himself on my blind, I reached out and rubbed his head. This was almost as much thrill to me as that big 9 pointer I got in 1998, of course he almost turned inside out trying to run off. I hunt alone and enjoy the solitude and fresh air. I like the time limit and to see if I can out fox the heard this year in that time frame. I enjoy the meat, to eat and knowing the fees I pay will assure more areas for deer to live in is a side besting
. It also controls the heard health and size better than any other method out there now in use. And the sport is safe, more people are killed in base ball than hunting.
Typing like that you'll fail that essay in a heart beat. First off.. before you come in here asking a bunch of HUNTERS if we SUPPORT hunting (which that should be a dead give away being your are in the HUNTING section) you need to learn how to type first.
Funny how there are just SO many kiddies having to write essays on hunting. I graduated high school this past May and I wrote TONS of essays and NEVER wrote one that even hinted about the topic of hunting.. and I also have friends who are in college and the have NEVER written an essay about hunting.
So yes, I like EVERY OTHER USER WHO FREQUENTS THIS SECTION support hunting. I could go into detail, but why should I? It's YOUR essay and when writing an essay YOU are supposed to RESEARCH your OWN topic and NOT get people's personal opinions (which us who are for it- we give facts and do not let our emotions sway our decisions on the subject).
Use search engines like Google or Yahoo and search for info about hunting. You'll be surprised just what Google or Yahoo searches can do. You'll get TONS of websites which support hunting along with scientific studies which proves what us hunters already know.
Apparently there is an epidemic of essays being written on this exact same topic nationwide, we get no less than 20 of these questions per week here in this section. Yahoo answers has a simple to use search feature that allows the user to search(imagine that) previously asked questions and get the answers here. If you had used that FREE feature, you would have at your disposal literally hundreds of well written and well thought out answers to this question.
Venison tastes better than veal and is better for you. Now - go to a veal farm and see if you think it is ';humane'; the way they get veal, and then go deer hunting with someone like my uncle, who is a true outdoorsman and has respect for the animals he hunts/eats...
Absolutely for it. Hunting provides meat for the family.
Hunting is a necessity for food for a lot of people.
I'm absolutely for hunting. It's a great way to get outdoors and feed my family @ the same time.
Good Hunting...
Another ';essay for school'; - how lame! If it upsets liberals or PETA then I'm all for it, no matter what it is.Are you for or against hunting, and why?
I am for hunting. Not only is it a means of food for some but also a very effective method of controlling the herds through sport hunting. Now with the Chronic Wasting Disease, CWD that effects many deer in the central Wisconsin areas, hunting controls allow more deer to be harvested from these effected areas by issuing additional tags so the sportsmen can shoot more deer. This helps reduce the spread of the disease by thinning out the herds for a more healthy deer population. Also the sport hunter can donate any deer that he takes legally and donate it to food pantries for the homeless or needy. The Department of Natural Resources in Wisconsin can be proud of its efforts to maintain their herds and with continuous monitoring help the deer population become strong and healthy.
* Hunting is a tradition beginning with the Cave men and progressing to even now in the year 2009.* Only 15% of the People in America actually Hunt, and Harvest Game.* 75% of the People in the U.S. Support, and are in favor of Hunting.* Only 10% of the People in America disagree, and are not in favor of Hunting.* '; Hunting is Fun and Enjoyable; Killing is neither Fun or Enjoyable.';.. No True Hunters derives any Pleasure, or Satisfaction from just the Killing Alone of any of the Animals that He Hunts for and Harvests for Food, Recreation, and Sport for Himself, Family, Friends, and Fellow Hunters.*... Wildlife is a Natural Renewable Resource put on this Earth to be Harvested for Food, Recreation, and Sport, as well as to observe them alive, and living within their natural environment.* '; True Hunters have a deep, abiding Love, and Compassion for the Animals that they Hunt, Pursue, and Harvest, as well as for the Great Outdoors.*
I hunt for the thrill of the chase and if I bag a Deer or Bear that is better too. Last year I had a little one come up and rub himself on my blind, I reached out and rubbed his head. This was almost as much thrill to me as that big 9 pointer I got in 1998, of course he almost turned inside out trying to run off. I hunt alone and enjoy the solitude and fresh air. I like the time limit and to see if I can out fox the heard this year in that time frame. I enjoy the meat, to eat and knowing the fees I pay will assure more areas for deer to live in is a side besting
. It also controls the heard health and size better than any other method out there now in use. And the sport is safe, more people are killed in base ball than hunting.
Typing like that you'll fail that essay in a heart beat. First off.. before you come in here asking a bunch of HUNTERS if we SUPPORT hunting (which that should be a dead give away being your are in the HUNTING section) you need to learn how to type first.
Funny how there are just SO many kiddies having to write essays on hunting. I graduated high school this past May and I wrote TONS of essays and NEVER wrote one that even hinted about the topic of hunting.. and I also have friends who are in college and the have NEVER written an essay about hunting.
So yes, I like EVERY OTHER USER WHO FREQUENTS THIS SECTION support hunting. I could go into detail, but why should I? It's YOUR essay and when writing an essay YOU are supposed to RESEARCH your OWN topic and NOT get people's personal opinions (which us who are for it- we give facts and do not let our emotions sway our decisions on the subject).
Use search engines like Google or Yahoo and search for info about hunting. You'll be surprised just what Google or Yahoo searches can do. You'll get TONS of websites which support hunting along with scientific studies which proves what us hunters already know.
Apparently there is an epidemic of essays being written on this exact same topic nationwide, we get no less than 20 of these questions per week here in this section. Yahoo answers has a simple to use search feature that allows the user to search(imagine that) previously asked questions and get the answers here. If you had used that FREE feature, you would have at your disposal literally hundreds of well written and well thought out answers to this question.
Venison tastes better than veal and is better for you. Now - go to a veal farm and see if you think it is ';humane'; the way they get veal, and then go deer hunting with someone like my uncle, who is a true outdoorsman and has respect for the animals he hunts/eats...
Absolutely for it. Hunting provides meat for the family.
Hunting is a necessity for food for a lot of people.
I'm absolutely for hunting. It's a great way to get outdoors and feed my family @ the same time.
Good Hunting...
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